Scheduled work

List of Scheduled Work

Social Justice

Getting wealth, national income, jobs in educational institutions as perv share of the population by BPL, APL, Scheduled Castes, Tribes, Backward Classes and Women in India.

Global Rights to Citizens

Granting the international and global rights of the people of our country by creating a Union of neibouring countries of India and by reorganizing the United Nations, UNO.

Voters' Prosperity

Distribute income generated byt machines, natural resources and the existence of laws equally among all the voters (i.e 8000 every month (at the prices of 2020). as votership)

Employment to All

To facilitate the remuneration to those who are working on social and political reforms like functionaries of the government sector.

Unite the Voters

Forming alliance on the written Constitution so that the strength of the voters could not be broken into the block and trillionaires could not get a chance to exploit and oppress the majority of voters.

Forming South Asian Union

Working jointly for forming South Asian Union so that the energy and money of the poeple could engage in prosperity of voters, not in war and riots.

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