
Frequently Asked Questions

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  • FAQ on constitution of the alliance
  • Frequently asked questions on Alliance (FAQ)
  • FAQ on efforts of coordination and balance between mutually hostile ideologies
  • FAQ on How to join GAPP
  • FAQ on Miscellaneous

    FAQ on constitution of the alliance


    Q. : Is there any program run for training the constitution of the alliance?

    Q. : Where can I get the constitution of GAPP Alliance?

    Q. : Whether Mr Vishwatma who prepared the draft of this constitution of GAPP Alliance, is the president of the alliance?

    Q. : What is meaning of social wing and commercial wing?

    Q. : What is need of written constitution of alliance?

    Q. : What is the Basic Features of Constitution of alliance?


    Frequently asked questions on Alliance (FAQ)

    Q. : Can only political parties join GAPP alliance?

    Q. : What is benefit to me and to my party after joining GAPP Alliance?

    Q. : What is the benefit of India and the people of this country?

    Q. : From where the detailed information may be obtained about the benefits of joining the alliance?

    Q. : What are the main principles of the alliance?

    Q. : why the name of alliance is high sounding and why the area of operation is sounding global?

    Q. : Why only two issues – “Participation and Peace” is accommodated in the name of the alliance?

    Q : Why should not the practicality reflect in the name of alliance?

    Q. : Why should the the objective and constitution of alliance not we can find just to change the political power?

    Q. : Those people who run their own organizations as a source of their income, why will they join this alliance?

    Q. : Those who are running their political parties to capture the power, why will they like to join this alliance?

    Q. : Those who are running their own organisation just for their own satisfaction, what is their interest to join this alliance?

    Q. : When the work of GAPP Alliance started? What is the history of GAPP Alliance?

    Q. : What is the official website of the GAPP Treaty?

    Q. : if there is no president of the alliance, then who register the new organisations applying for membership of the alliance?

    Q. : Wheather alliance is a registered body?

    Q. : How can I know that ‘GAPP’ will work on my mission?

    Q. : Who is the face of GAPP?

    Q. : What is the ideology of GAPP?

    Q. : From where the fund will come for the functioning of GAPP?

    Q. :Whether GAPP is being formed against ruling NDA?

    Q. : Weather formation of union of South Asian countries is the main objective of GAPP?

    Q. : Why is the name of the alliance “GAPP”?

    Q. : Why global level alliance, why not all India level or state level?


    FAQ on efforts of coordination and balance between mutually hostile ideologies

    Q. : Why the alliance should make efforts to balance between two mutually hostile political ideologies?

    Q. : Weather all the mutually hostile ideologies are perpetual?

    Q. : Does any law of nature functions behind all the ideologies?

    Q. : Is there existence of bearers of different ideologies, similarly as bearers of various genders?

    Q. : Do one’s genes and hormones are responsible for one’s enemy ideology?

    Q. : Do one’s genes and hormones are responsible for one’s own ideology?


    FAQ on How to join GAPP

    Q. :From where the application form to join the alliance may be obtained?

    Q. : Weather any affidavit is also compulsory to submit for joining the GAPP alliance? If yes from where the format and contents of affidavit can be obtained?


    FAQ on Miscellaneous


    FAQ on constitution of the alliance

    Q. : Is there any program run for training the constitution of the alliance?

    Answer : Yes. You can call the helpline number 96 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 to register for the training program.

    Q. : Where can I get the constitution of GAPP Alliance?

    Answer : Click Here to read the constitution of GAPP Alliance in English.

    Q. : Whether Mr Vishwatma who prepared the draft of this constitution of GAPP Alliance, is the president of the alliance?

    Answer: No. The president or chief executive of the alliance will be produced after elections conducted by votes of the office bearers of all aligning organisations of their all levels.

    Q. : What is meaning of social wing and commercial wing?

    Answer : Wing is a department of the alliance. One department of the alliance, which is authorised to be connected with social organisations and register them as the member of the alliance is called social wing of alliance. Similarly, the commercial wing is made to be connected with commercial companies and commercial organisations.

    Q. : What is need of written constitution of alliance?

    Ans.- There is no need of written constitution for families because the number of members is less. But all countries, political parties, NGOs, trusts and companies need the written constitution looking its big numbers of members and functionaries. Written constitution facilitates the smooth functioning of the alliance and also facilitates the transparency of functioning of its members and functioning of alliance itself. Written constitution provides opportunity of rule of law in place of rule of particular individual. This is must for democratic functioning of the alliance. Due to the written constitution, the management amongst egos of heads of various members of the alliance and ensuring justice to all members becomes possible. Written constitution provides system of producing leadership of the alliance. Consequently the necessity of intervention of corporate powers for producing leadership no longer remains.

    Q. : What is the Basic Features of Constitution of alliance?

    1. Collective Leadership;
    2. Coordination and Balance between two opposite political thoughts. Coordination and balance beetween-
    • values of past and requirements of future;
    • ideologies of Leftism and Rightism;
    • between requirements of future and present generations;
    • between macro and micro ideologies;
    • various levels of same ideology and ability;
    • ideologies of theism and Atheism.
    • between centralization and Decentralization.
    • ideologies of global governance and local self governance.
    • individualism and Socialism;
    • ideologies of capitalism and communism.

    Frequently asked questions on Alliance (FAQ)

    Q. : Whether can only political parties join GAPP alliance?

    Answer : Political parties may join GAPP alliance but the social organisation and commercial firms, companies and charitable companies can also join this Alliance with its social and commercial wings respectively.

    Q. : What is benefit to me and to my party after joining GAPP Alliance?

    Answer : There are many benefits for the organisations who join this alliance. For example, some of them are given below:

    1. The cadre of organisation may be remunerated against their work.
    2. The fund may be obtained to run organisation.
    3. Any party can minimise the period of consuming the time to achieve political power.
    4. Allegations of running the business in the name of organisation will be wiped out.
    5. The joining organisation may be able to find out the persons around the globe who are bearing the same point of view.
    6. The administration can not dare to commit an atrocity in any manner.
    7. Police security will become easier.
    8. If the organisations working for same objectives will join hands under this alliance, their mission will be completed soon. In the remaining time, they can work on other issues.

    Q. : What is the benefit of India and the people of this country?

    Answer : The objectives of the Indian unit of the alliance is to prevent India from caste and communal violence and wars from neighbouring counties in coming decades looking the unfortunate growth of intolerance in various communities and ideologies of the country, which is growing due to conflicts and violence provoking propaganda committed by misuse of social and electronic media. For more details, visit the schedule-2 of the constitution of the alliance.


    Q. : From where the detailed information may be obtained about the above said 7 benefits of joining the alliance?

    Answer: For this purpose, training programs are organised time to time which can be attended by paying a nominal fee. For training-related information please call 9 6 9 6 1 2 3 4 5 6.

    Q. : What are the main principles of the alliance?

    Answer : The main principles of the alliance are as under:

    1. Managing right of the majority.
    2. Protection to minority.
    3. Seccommunism. (Sect Communism)
    4. Filament management system to coordinate amongst 64 types of representative ideologies hostile each other.
    5. The population of the earth is visual God and the power off this god is sovereignty.
    6. The individual human being is a goal and the political order and state are means.
    7. Protection of cultural diversity.
    8. Global treaty for world peace and participation in the growth of people of Earth.
    9. Security to the high-income group
    10. Reservation to the low-income group
    11. Other principles are written in the constitution of alliance from article 1 to 4.

    Q. : why the name of the alliance is high sounding and why the area of operation is sounding global?

    Answer: because the area of operation of treaty held in 1994 cat was global which damaged the interest of farmers, labourers, unemployed youth, small and middle businessman. The GATT was also high sounding, was also global and was not confined within the territory of particular one or two countries. Our weapon should not be weaker in comparison to weapon of the opposite party. Any Global organisation like GAPP only may be capable to compensate the losses occurred from the global organisation of exporters and importers of all countries known as WTO which is produced by the GATT treaty.

    Q : Why only two issues – “Participation and Peace” is accommodated in the name of the alliance?

    Answer: looking at the expansion of the machines as means of production there is no real scarcity of production in present and also in future. Now onwards the distribution participation is the challenge of present and future. The term “participation” includes the objective of making whole economy judicious and the term “peace” includes the objective of making the whole political system judicious. It is is obvious that without establishing peace in mind of individuals and without carrying the message of peace through the adequate the religious and social system; the state cannot achieve the objective of maintaining the peace. Hence buy this two words all the the sectors of society is incorporated within the objectives of the Reliance. Due to wider range of these two words the the inclusion of individuals and organisations working in any sector or working on any subject of society has become possible.

    Q : Why should not the practicality reflect in the name of alliance?

    Answer: Name of any organisation must be in accordance with the nature of work. The alliance is named looking its functions given in its constitution. It is social crime to height the real solutions a problems in order to making afforts to look ‘practical’. The practicality is also a relative term which differs man to man and mind to mind. There are more than hundreds wings sales and fronts in the alliances. One should find out the practical work suitable as per one’s mind amongst the list of various tasks given in the constitution of alliance.

    Q. : Why should the the objective and constitution of alliance not we can find just to change the political power?

    Answer: the political power is the solution of some problems but it cannot solve all the problems the objective of the alliance is to solve the present and future problems of society the change of political power is just a single tool to achieve this objective.

    Q. : Those people who run their own organizations as a source of their income, why will they join this alliance?

    Answer : They will join because their income will be increased after joining.

    Q. : Those who are running their political parties to capture the power, why will they like to join this alliance?

    Answer : After joining the alliance the mass base after party and trust of the public in the said party will be increased and the vote bank of the said party will be protected from breaking into segments. That is why they will be able to reach to the power in comparatively less time.

    Q. : Those who are running their own organisation just for their own satisfaction, what is their interest to join this alliance?

    Answer : Those who are running their organisation just for their own satisfaction will join this alliance because they will be able to get acquainted with the people around the world who are bearing the same point of view.

    Q. : When the work of GAPP Alliance started? What is the history of GAPP Alliance?

    Answer: The work of GAPP alliance was started in September 2015 when foreign ministers of 198 countries of the world were approved to sign the draft of treaty namely Global Agreement on Participation and Peace in short GAPP.

    Q. 18 : What is the official website of the GAPP Treaty?

    Answer: The official website of get alliance is: www.gapptreaty.org

    Q. : if there is no president of the alliance, then who register the new organisations applying for membership of the alliance?

    Answer: A committee for registration of new organisations is existed, which will work later on under the president of the alliance when the election will be conducted.

    Q. 21: Wheather alliance is a registered body?

    Answer: The right to register the alliance is the jurisdiction of the Central Committee of the alliance, which is under the process of formation.

    Q. : How can I know that ‘GAPP’ will work on my mission?

    Answer :To find out one’s mission in the constitution one should refer schedule-2 of the constitution of GAPP.

    Q. : Who is the face of GAPP?

    The constitution of the GAPP will produce the face and leadership time to time as per requirement.

    Q. : What is the ideology of GAPP?

    Answer : The ideology of the GAPP is written in the preamble and in its article 1.3 related to principles, assumptions and philosophy of alliance.

    Q. : From where the fund will come for the functioning of GAPP?

    Answer : The general public; looking the benefits of monthly income from votership, employment in social and political sector by the tool of RDR, justice to them and their community, security of life and property and surety of peace locality and of world as well; will contribute regularly by small amounts. The workers of member organisations of GAPP will regularly collect these contributions by online system for alliance. The fund collected in this manner will be distributed to member organisations, by which the member organisations will run their organisations.

    Q. : Whether GAPP is being formed against ruling NDA?

    No. Any party can join GAPP. GAPP is international in nature. This is working to solve those para-political and international problems, by which the voters of ruling parties and voters of the opposition are suffering.

    Frequently asked questions on constitution of the alliance

    Q. : Why is the name of the alliance “GAPP”?

    Ans.- GAPP is a maximum inclusive name. It is chosen from the list of more than 150 names explored in order to fix names. Word “Global” needed, because it covers the maximum geographical range and for enrolling organizations of the whole world. Word “Peace” is needed looking at the main motto of the alliance. Word “Alliance” is unavoidable. Word- “Participation” is a tool of various facets of justice.

    Q. : What is need of written constitution of alliance?

    Ans.- There is no need of written constitution for families because the number of members is less. But all countries, political parties, NGOs, trusts and companies need the written constitution looking its big numbers of members and functionaries. Written constitution facilitates the smooth functioning of the alliance and also facilitates the transparency of functioning of its members and functioning of alliance itself. Written constitution provides opportunity of rule of law in place of rule of particular individual. This is must for democratic functioning of the alliance. Due to the written constitution, the management amongst egos of heads of various members of the alliance and ensuring justice to all members becomes possible. Written constitution provides system of producing leadership of the alliance. Consequently the necessity of intervention of corporate powers for producing leadership no longer remains.

    Q. : Why global level alliance, why not all India level or state level?

    So that aligning the organisations of all the countries of the world could become possible and the world level problems persisting in our country could be solved.

    Q. : Why the alliance should make efforts to balance between two mutually hostile political ideologies?

    Answer : Nobody likes death in human life. But death cannot be avoided. Therefore it is considered prudent to live a life by creating coordination and balance in life and death. Just as one person feels his ideology, his conscience; a beneficial voice for society, similarly those ideologies are felt beneficial for the society by second person, whose ideology is not liked by first person. Ideology of second person is felt like enemy and antisocial ideology. We must notice that nature produces humans of two different sexes, which appear to be mutually opposite in anatomy. But still they complement each other. Similarly, nature also produces people of two conflicting ideologies, which may appear to be mutual enemies, but complement each other. Whether there is a difference in physical design, whether there is a difference in mental design, both are due to certain hormones and genes present inside the person. Hence therefore, It is not fair to call the genes and hormones inside yourself right, and the genes and hormone present inside the other person, are wrong. Just like the genes and hormones present in my body do not have control over by me, similarly the other person also does not have control over his genes and hormones. Therefore, it is not appropriate to consider myself a saint and to consider a criminal and antisocial to a person who bears ideology anti to me. When the laws of nature are behind both mutually hostile ideologies; then it is appropriate to live in harmony and balance between two conflicting ideologies.

    Q. : Weather all the mutually hostile ideologies are perpetual?

    Answer : Because the coexistence of mutually hostile political ideologies is perpetual phenomena. That is why all ideologies are product of the nature’s law. No audiology is product of any conspiracy or ignorance of its bearers.

    Q. : Does any law of nature functions behind all the ideologies?

    Answer : The charges of deviation from the true path, immoral, the forces of demolition of society, ignorant, Anti social elements, conspirers, instigators of particular community for violence and for unrest, agents of Western countries, enemies of Indian civilization and culture were usually pasted on the activists who had been working for grant of judicious rights for SC-ST community of India, for women and for homosexual class. But with the pace of time some rights of observed communities have been granted. This phenomena has proved those people ignorant itself who are restraining today on above said allegations to the efforts of many people who are demanding something for social approval on single ideology. When one idea is accepted by many, then the ideas of the admitted as ideology and the idea is product of the nature’s law. It is not the output of conspiracy of a particular individual and particular community. Hence therefore all the ideologies are entitled to get share in the resources of Earth, government and society.

    Q. : Is there existence of bearers of different ideologies, similarly as bearers of various genders?

    Answer : The three types of genders- male, female and ….. are product of the rules of genetics. Similarly two mutually hostile political ideologies are the product of the laws of nature. Hence therefore no ideology can be treated truth and necessity of society and the opposite ideology cannot be treated as false or antisocial.

    Q. : Do one’s genes and hormones are responsible for one’s enemy ideology?

    Answer : There are many people who are victim of phobias which are acquired by birth due to rules of genetics and due to presence of specific hormones. In similar manner many people are victim of various phobias who have acquired the fear towards some political ideologies. The fear from fire, vast water bodies, height, blood, aloneness and flying are known as agoraphobia, hydrophobia, acrophobia, hemophobia, autophobia, and aerophobia respectively. Similarly the fear from opposite ideology should be called “ideophobia”. All the phobias are acquired by the bearers by birth. The ideophobia governs the bearer as internal force to oppose the particular political ideology lifelong. The bearer feels spiritually that the opposite political ideology to his/her mind is dangerous for society; so restraining the growth of enemy ideology is the fundamental duty of the bearer.

    Q. : Do one’s genes and hormones are responsible for one’s own ideology?

    Answer : Attraction towards opposite gender, gender; particular animals; particular plants and trees; vast water body of the sea; groundwater and ground minerals; glaciers and mountains; symbols of religion, dancing styles, musical rhythms, musical songs and accent of religion of ancestors etc are acquired by the people by birth. This factor inculcates love and affection for above said things, opposite to the factors, which create phobias responsible to inculcate fear. Similarly the human being acquires love and affection for a particular political ideology by birth. The bearer of the ideology treats his/her ideology as lifelong mission/motto of the life and trips. His favorite ideology is the only useful ideology for the welfare, progress and uplift of society. Although some specific genes and hormones are responsible to flash this feeling in the mind of the bearer of the ideology. The factors, which are responsible to create distinction in anatomy of two individuals, are called genes. Similarly, the factors, which are responsible to create distinction and differences amongst individuals, should be called “gehen”. These gehens are responsible basically for differences in ideology of various people of society. Two opposite “gehens” are responsible to produce mutually hostile ideologies. Hence therefore no any ideology can be treated as beneficial for society and the opposite ideology cannot be treated as the dangerous for society. No ideology can be treated true and no opposite ideology can be treated false. Hence therefore the co-ordination and balance between two mutually hostile ideologies is the duty of the state. And it is the duty of the individual and its community to live with own ideology and propagate his/her own ideology in the society.


    FAQ on How to join GAPP

    Q. : How to join the GAPP alliance?

    Answer: To join the alliance click on join.

    Q. : Weather any affidavit is also compulsory to submit for joining the GAPP alliance? If yes from where the format and contents of affidavit can be obtained?

    Answer: To join the alliance there are three types of affidavits. This affidavit may be downloaded by using the link given below:

    1. Format of affidavit for political parties to join the GAPP alliance.
    2. Format of affidavit for social organisations to join the GAPP alliance.
    3. Format of affidavit for companies to join the GAPP alliance.

    Send your question, if you have any :
    Email : votership@gmail.com
    or send details by the form below :

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