Constitution English


(An the Alliance of organizations of the world for proposed treaty namely Global Agreement on Participation and Peace, GAPP)


Name of the Alliance
Article – 5 MEMBERSHIP
Article – 15 ALLIANCE FUND
Article – 16 Security Council
Article – 30 Schedules of the constitution
Schedule -4 LIST OF CELLS
Schedule -5 LIST OF FRONTS


Global Agreement on Peace and Participation, GAPP, hereafter it will be mentioned as the GAPP, or the Alliance or the Global Forum.
Aligning the organizations of all the countries of the world for:
Implementing the essential political, legal and constitutional reforms;
Establishing rule of democratic law, not only at the level of country but at the level of world also;
Identifying and recognizing the horizontal and vertical components of sovereignty and general will of the masses and that of the state, getting them recognized, getting representation in the decision making process of the state for all kinds of general wills and all components of sovereignty of all units;
Making available the economic and political opportunities, democracy, fraternity and equality for all the citizens of all countries;
Evolving a competent political and economic world order on the basis of justice for all to eliminate the circumstances from the whole world creating violence, economic slavery, poverty and environmental imbalances and to address the social issues arisen due to the aftermath of the treaty adopted in year 1994 namely, General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade, GATT;
Solving world level politico economic problems;

Working for ratification of Constitution of Earth as drafted by the World Constitution and Parliament Association;
Solution of the problems of citizens of the world will be worked out by the world citizens for the citizens of the entire world.
the member organizations of the GAPP will study to understand and to believe in the following assumptions-
1.3.1. the book namely Janopanishad, Reinvention of Democracy and Password of Public Policy In the literatures written by the contemporary political reformer Mr. Vishwatma consists the total view points of the great men and philosophers of the past and real solutions of all those contemporary problems which can be solved by the machinery of the state. It contains also the information of feasible solutions to cope up with the challenges, likely to be created in future, and of their remedies, workable in present.
1.3.2. All the homo-sapiens of the entire earth behave like the cells of a common body. therefore, as no organ of the body can be treated, separating it apart from the body, likewise no permanent problems of any country can be solved, by separating it apart from the whole world.
1.3.3. Human beings and the earth, both are created by nature. Hence, roaming all around the entire earth is their fundamental right, the violation of which should be treated as the violation of fundamental rights. the entry in the house can be prohibited only by the house-maker, likewise entry in the earth any where can be prohibited only by the maker of the earth. the methods and traditions like Visa, to check violence and terrorism in the world, have themselves become the causes of violence and extremist terrorism. these prevalent traditions and methods regarding visa are based on political superstitions, their elimination is indispensible to combat the violence and terrorism from the world.
1.3.4. As the longevity of the body of every individual is fixed, likewise the age of the human society is also fixed. the changes occur in the body and mind of the individual, along with age. Likewise changes come in the nature of society with the growing age. Hence the values, faiths and rules of communities have no eternal longevity. After a period their forms change.
1.3.5. the ecstasy and pleasure cannot be created, neither can it be destroyed. It is only transferred from consciousness to body, from one individual to another, from one community to the other, from the country to another country and from one living species to another living world, mutually.
1.3.6. Strength is not provided by the nature to assault some weaker one, but it is provided to protecting the
1.3.7. To decentralize one thing, it is necessary to centralize some other thing. Centralization is tool for decentralization. Hence the energy of the GAPP will be applied, instead of preventing centralization, to disseminate the advantages of centralization to the decentralized units, to the extent of each and every individual.
1.3.8. Exchange medium/Money is an item, produced by a collective enterprise. Hence, to get money, it is essential to renounce private values.
1.3.9. In the private income of an individual; share of political system of producing paper money, share of laws and share of nature is also included. This share is more to the extent of the private money more than average any person has.
1.3.10. Two communities, between which an historical enmity is apparent, and two ideologies which appear mutually hostile to each other, are like two electrical wires of earth and phase. If they are directly connected with each other, there is sparking, and if joined together connecting through a resistance a bulb is made, which shades light everywhere. Likewise mutually hostile ideologies and communities are harming to each other but beneficial to the group requirement of humanity. Hence, the GAPP believes in peaceful and democratic forms of expression of dissent. the GAPP declares that it will not in any manner promote or instigate or participate in violence.
1.3.11. Functioning of the GAPP will be totally democratic in real sense. the decisions of the GAPP will be taken by the views of majority of representative bodies of respective level and respective organ.
1.3.12. the Political unit of the GAPP must contest elections through its member organizations conducted by the Election Authorities of concerned countries.
Alliance will work to achieve the following objectives-
1.4.1. To perform the functions of second schedule of the constitution of GAPP.
1.4.2. To implement the essential political, legal and constitutional reforms for administering the rule of real democratic law at the level of Homelands, Hemi nations and at the level of nation/whole world.
1.4.3. To align and knitting the organizations and individuals of whole world bearing common and similar objectives, goals and mind in terms of social welfare, empowerment and collective interest.
1.4.4. To create common platform for mutual cooperation, adjustment of seats in elections, common demonstration for common issues, common education, training and survey programs and for uniting and consolidating the political strength of the unorganized masses of the world tortured by common problems but divided among various castes, communities, religions, languages, political parties, para political the Alliances and countries.
1.4.5. To ensure democracy in structure, democratic output, transparency and accountability of ruling the Alliances through written constitution.
1.4.6. To work for Identifying and recognizing the horizontal and vertical components of sovereignty of the state.
1.4.7. To work for evolving a competent world order for making available the justice, the real democracy, the fraternity and the equality of economic and political opportunities for all the citizens of the world.
1.4.8. To work for aligning the political Parties, voluntary organizations and charitable companies of the world for necessary joint actions needed for remuneration to their cadres, for solving world level problems, for ratification of the Constitution of Earth as drafted by the World Constitution and Parliament Association, for evolving a system to address the social issues arose due to the aftermath of the treaty adopted in year 1994 namely, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT.
1.4.9. To work for transparency in government and in the market and also for balance between two.
1.4.10. Work to transfer the ownership of the assets of production in the optimum productive hands in view of eliminating its idleness.
1.4.11. To implement the proposal of Votership, the democratic system of social security, inclusive growth and people’s participation in development in all the countries as introduced in the parliament of India during 2005.
1.4.12. To work for co-existence of mutually hostile representative ideologies and for providing participation to them in the political and economic power.
1.4.13. To work for conditional citizenship of various vertical levels like homelands, hemi nations and national/global like, Global Level, Heminational Level and Homeland Level
1.4.14. To work for granting power to various local vertical units like to villages, to families and to citizens to impart in the decision making process in the various vertical levels of the state, like Hemomeland, Hemi-national and Global level.
1.4.15. To work for evolving and implementing such political, legal and constitutional reforms to pay the persons and institutions working for economic security and growth of economic interests the voters.
1.4.16. To work as filament between two representative political thoughts hostile each other.
To achieve of the principles and objectives of the GAPP by non-violent and democratic means, the activities of the GAPP will be as under:
1.5.1. Grant resources on priority basis to those member organizations who works for improvement of lower economic classes.
1.5.2. To do networking of political parties, non government organizations, charitable companies, street movements, campaigns, universities, research centers.
1.5.3. To affiliate and authorize different parties, institutions, organizations and trusts for various activities of the Alliance.
1.5.4. To work for motivating political parties, non-governmental organizations, Charitable trusts and companies of the whole world to get membership of the Alliance.
1.5.5. To expose those organizations through the media amongst their members and general public who are ready to harm the society but not ready to align with this the Alliance just for personal economic or political benefits of their main traders.
1.5.6. Conducting activities of signature campaigns for GAPP treaty, public awakening marches, peaceful picketing, demonstration and rallies, fasts, hunger strikes, seminars and mass meetings, training and workshops, organizing education and training camps for the treaty, publication of journals and periodicals, conducting radio and T.V. channels to achieve the objectives of the Alliance.


The symbol of the GAPP Alliance will be a picture of globe supported from down side by Global Democracy. the Central Committee will have power to amend or replace the symbol and logo of the Alliance.


Global Agreement on Peace and Participation, GAPP shall bear true faith and allegiance to the constitutions of the member organizations along with the principles of co-existence of socialism and capitalism, co-existence of theism and atheism, co-existence of religious belief and Secularism, co-existence of Leftist and Rightist approaches, co-existence of democracy and autocracy, co-existence of monism and pluralism, co-existence of local and global citizenship, co-existence of horizontal and vertical separation of state power, co-existence of violent and non violent social forces, co-existence of sovereignty, unity and integrity of countries and of world.


For working to achieve the objectives of the Alliance there will be some organs, sub-organs, collaborators, Policy Directors, and leaders. With the permission of Central Executive Committee, the executive committees of the Alliance of respective governing levels will constitute bellow mentioned organs of the Alliance as per rules.
4.1.1. Executive Committee
4.1.2. General Assembly
4.1.3. Parliamentary Council
4.1.4. Election Authority
4.1.5. Election Candidates Selection Council
4.1.6. Judicial Council
4.1.7. Public Service Recruitment Council
4.1.8. Concurrent Coordinating Council
4.1.9. Horizontal Coordinating Council
4.1.10. Alliance Fund
4.1.11. Security Council
4.1.12. Mass-Communication Council
4.1.13. Political Parties Regulating Authority
4.1.14. Social Organizations Regulating Authority
4.1.15. Companies Regulating Authority
4.1.16. Zero Member organizations
4.1.17. Assembly of Zero Member organizations
4.2.1. Cells of the Alliance
4.2.2. Fronts of the Alliance
4.2.3. Operations of the Alliance
4.3.1. Member Organizations
4.3.2. Conducted Organizations
4.3.3. Affiliated Organizations
4.3.4. Authorized Organizations
Being the inventor of new mechanism of the Alliance manifested through this instant constitution, the founder Central Executive Committee of the Alliance Mr. Vishwatma has accepted as the mentor of the Alliance. therefore he shall propose or any five best dedicated organizations authorized by him shall propose the name of one person from each organization to be nominated as the Policy director of the Alliance. One person amongst the 5 names proposed in such a manner will be elected by the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance as the Policy Director of the Alliance.
4.5. Alliance with other the Alliances
Alliance shall abide by the rules of written constitution of said the Alliance if the working list and area of said the Alliance will be wider.
4.6.1. the levels of units the Alliance will be classified into five categories. these five categories are as follows: Zero Level Managerial Levels Governing Levels Constituency Levels Action Levels
4.6.2. NAME OF ZERO LEVEL Central level
4.6.3. NAME OF MANAGERIAL LEVELS Regional level (1st M Level) District level (2nd M Level)
4.6.4. NAMES OF GOVERNING LEVELS- Provincial (State) level (1st G Level) Country level (2nd G Level) Homeland (union of neighboring countries) level Affairs (3rd G Level) Hemi-national (Eastern/western world) level Affairs (4th G Level) National (Global) level Affairs (5th G Level)
4.6.5. NAMES OF CONSTITUENCY LEVELS- State Assembly Constituency Level (1st C Level) Country Parliament Constituency Level (2nd C Level) Villages & Wards Parliament / General Assembly Constituency for Homeland affairs (3rd C Level) Families Parliament/General Assembly Constituency for Hemi National Affairs (4th C Level) Human Parliament/ Global General Assembly Constituency Level (5th C Level)
4.6.6. NAMES OF ACTION LEVEL- Block /Town Area level (1st A Level) Circle (1/4th Block) level (2nd A Level) Sector (Group of neighboring villages) level (3rd A Level) Village/Ward level (4th A Level) Booth level (5th A Level)
4.7. Proceedings of opening units of the Alliance at various levels
4.7.1. On the approval of the General Assembly of C.E.C. of the Alliance, only Central Executive Committee will have the right to open a new unit or branch of the Alliance at a new level.
4.7.2. the C.E.C. may authorize the Regional Committees of the Alliance to open new unit of the Alliance at new level as per rules.
4.8.1. Assembly of Central Unit
4.8.2. Assembly of District Unit
4.8.3. Assembly of Region Unit
4.8.4. Assembly of Booth Unit
4.8.5. Assembly of Village Unit
4.8.6. Assembly of Sector Unit
4.8.7. Assembly of Circle Unit
4.8.8. Assembly of Block Unit
4.8.9. Assembly of State Assembly Constituency Unit
4.8.10. Assembly of Country Parliamentary Constituency Unit
4.8.11. Assembly of Village Parliamentary Constituency Unit
4.8.12. Assembly of Family Parliamentary Constituency Unit
4.8.13. Assembly of Human Parliamentary Constituency Unit
4.8.14. Assembly of State Unit /Pradeshik Sabha
4.8.15. Assembly of Lok Sabha Unit/Country Level Assembly
4.8.16. Village Parliament/Gram Sabha/Assembly of Homeland or Watan Level Affairs Unit
4.8.17. Family Parliament/Pariwar Sabha/Assembly of Hemi-national Level Affairs Unit
4.8.18. Human Parliament/JanSabha/Assembly of National Level Affairs Unit
4.9. Names of the posts held by executive heads of the various organs of the Alliance

ORGAN Name (Title) of the Post
4.9.1. Parliamentary Council President
4.9.2. Election Authority President
4.9.3. Electoral Candidates Selection Council President
4.9.4. Judicial Council President
4.9.5. Public Service Recruitment Council Director General
4.9.6. Vertical Coordinating Council Filament Coordinator Vertical
4.9.7. Horizontal Coordinating Council Filament Coordinator Horizontal
4.9.8. Alliance Fund General Manager
4.9.9. Security Council Director-General
4.9.10. Mass Communication Authority Spokesman
4.9.11. Political Parties Regulating Authority President
4.9.12. Non Governmental Regulating Authority Convener General
4.9.13. Companies Regulating Authority Director General
4.10. Terms of office bearers
4.10.1. Terms of the office of bearers of executive committees of various vertical levels will be as follows: Zero Level 4 Years Managerial Levels 4 Years Governing Levels 4 Years Constituency Levels 4 Years Action Levels 4 Years
4.10.2. the terms of Second President of vertical executive committees of all levels will be one financial year.
4.11. the central executive Committee will have the right to increase or decrease the terms of the executive heads of the various organs and sub-organs of the Alliance. the said committee has right to fix terms of office bearers of higher committees higher and to fix terms of the office bearers of lower committees lover.







5.1.1.   Any organization may become Preliminary Member of the Alliance, who claims to be a group of people, or to be a non government organization or to be a political party or to be a firm or to be a charitable/commercial company  working for the welfare or for the empowerment of any group of the people;

5.1.2.   Declares in written the belief in the constitution of the Alliance;

5.1.3.   Declares written agreement/declaration on affidavit to join GAPP Alliance.

5.1.4.   Declares written that the member organization will involve the vertical units of their own organization by democratic procedure in composition of the vertical units of the GAPP the Alliance.

5.1.5.   Declares to write the name of GAPP the Alliance in its all publicity materials with one’s name as school, colleges write the name of university and their Board along with their name.

5.1.6.   Declares that the said organization is not the member of any other political the Alliance; registered with the GAPP Alliance;

5.1.7.   declares in written to deploy its cadre in sale and purchase of goods and services of only those production and distribution institutions who have taken membership of the Alliance to promote the mission of global participation of wealth and world peace.

5.1.8.   declares in written to empower its vertical cadre by remuneration through RDRs against political works done for social sector by its workers;

5.1.9.   declares in written to empower its vertical cadre by voting right for the elections of vertical executive Committees of the GAPP the Alliance;

5.1.10. declares that the applicant organization is not the member of such alliance which is not associate of the GAPP Alliance.

5.1.11 Applies according to the Form-2 decided for availing the membership of social wing of the Alliance;

5.1.2.   Submits the application form of membership to the office of Alliance either by paper or by On Line and such membership gets registration and acceptance by the Alliance as per rules;

5.1.13. Alliance membership will be opened for; who will fall under the eligibility mentioned in above sections;

5.1.14. Applies according to the Form-1 decided for availing the membership of the Alliance and submits the application form of membership to the office of Alliance and such membership gets registration and acceptance by the Alliance as per rules;

5.1.15. Any social, political or commercial organization who will motivate to join GAPP Alliance to at least one social, political or commercial organization and will continuously participate in the meetings, events and public programs of the alliance;  will be treated as Active Member Organization of the Alliance.

5.1.16. Declares in written that the applicant will deposit membership fee on regular basis to the alliance as per the rules laid down in Schedule-III of the Constitution.

5.1.17 Declares in written to not cooperating with corporate powers in their conspiracy “divide the society to exploit”


5.2.1.   Social Membership will be granted to –   Any preliminary member of the Alliance, who claims to be a social group or to be a society or to be a charitable trust or to be a peoples movement or to be a group of social media working to polarize the masses and Is registered with the authority of the registration of concerned country, if such authority exists in the said country;   Applies according to the Form-2 decided for availing the membership of social wing of the Alliance;

can become the Social Member of the Alliance.

5.2.2.   Political Membership will be granted to –

Any Political Party who-    Who claims to be a political party working to polarize the electors and working to take part into the legislative works of the government of concerned country and Is registered with the election conducting authority of the concerned country, if such authority exists in the said country;    Any political party which is primary or Active Member of the alliance;    Applies according to the Form-3 decided for availing the political membership of the Alliance and the grade of Membership;     Have already contested elections at minimum five seats of assembly of any state.     Make a written announcement to enable vertical cadre to vote in the elections to the vertical General Assemblies of the alliance.     Make a written announcement for giving RDR in lieu of the work done by cadre in the social sector.     To engage their cadre on the purchase and sale of goods of companies which have subscribed with the alliance.     Which declare in writing the faith in the Constitution of the Coalition.    Who is not a member of any other political alliance, which is not associated with GAPP Alliance?

can become the Political Member of the Alliance.

5.2.3.   Commercial Membership will be granted to   any charitable/commercial company who claims to be a company working for charitable/commercial purposes and is registered with the authority of registration of companies in the concerned country, if such authority exists in the said country;   declares in written to accept benefit of the cadre of the Alliance to promote the sale of goods and services of the company;   declares in written to ensure the share holders and investors of the company that the company will not use the money of the company in anti the Alliance means;   declares in written to share profit of the company of certain percentage with the Alliance as per the rules to promote the mission of global participation of wealth and global peace;   Applies according to the Form-4 decided for availing the membership of the Alliance;


5.3. Grading of Membership

Membership of Member Organizations will be classified in five grades. The detailed rules, regulations, terms and conditions in relation to grading of member organizations will be maintained in schedule-9 of the constitution of the Alliance. The Central Executive Committee will have power to amend the terms and conditions of grading time to time.  For helping the member organizations, to utilize energy of the office bearers adequately, the Alliance will issue grading certificates to the office bearers of the member organizations on the basis of education, training, assessment and on the basis of achieved amount of RDRs. The central executive Committee will have power to make rules in this regards.

5.3.1 Grading  of Social and Political Membership          Membership of member organizations will be ranked  into five ranks.          Detailed terms and conditions in this regard will be recorded in Schedule 9 of the Constitution of the Coalition. The central committee of the alliance will have the power to amend these terms and conditions.      The criteria for Grading  of member organizations will be as follows:

  1. capacity of people’s participation
  2. Potential for Economic Contribution
  3. Ability to popularity among member organizations
  4. The ability to surrender to the alliance
  5. Targeted population capacity for service
  6. Ability to hold RDR      All the above standards will have 100 marks prescribed for each standard. Total marks for all 6 standards will be 600. To determine the percentage of capacity of any political party, separate evaluation will be conducted on all the above parameters and finally the total score percentage of the party’s capacity will be calculated by adding the marks obtained on all the 6 parameters.      On each of the above 6 parameters, the first class political party will be required to score 81-100%, the second class political parties 61-80%, the third class political party 41-60%, the fourth class political party 21-40% and the fifth class political parties 0-20%.      Grading  of Member Parties on the basis of capacity of people’s participation- In 5th rank, those parties will be considered who will ensure people’s participation from 01 to 10. The party which ensures attendance in the number of 11-50 will be considered as the fourth class political party. The third class political party will be considered as the one which ensures the presence of 51 to 500 workers. The party which ensures the presence of 501-5000 workers will be considered as a second class political party. In the first rank, they will be considered as political parties which ensure the presence of more than 5000 workers of their political party in the coalition programmes.      Grading  of member organizations on the criteria of capacity of financial contribution to the coalition – In the fifth rank, those political parties will be listed whose no cash economic cooperation is available to the alliance. The fourth class political parties will be called those who support the alliance in cash from ₹100 to ₹1000 per month. Political parties which support the alliance from ₹1000 to ₹5000 per month will be given the status of a third Grade political party. Political parties with economic support of ₹5000 to ₹20000 per month will be treated as second Grade political parties. The first Grade political parties will be considered to be those who contribute more than ₹20,000 cash per month to the alliance.      Grading  on the criteria of popularity potential among member organizations of coalition– The fifth category will list political parties whose representative or head is liked by more than 5% of the coalition’s political parties. Those who are preferred by member political parties from 6% to 10% will be considered as fourth class political parties. The third Grade will count political parties which are liked by at least 11% to 20% of the member organizations. Political parties liked by 21% to 40% member organisations will be called second ranked political parties. If more than 40% member organisations vote, then the said political party will be treated first ranked political party.      Grading  of Member Organizations on the criteria of bearing RDR- Fifth Grade will be granted to those political parties who will bear RDRs below Rs. 1 lakh. RDR bearers ranging from Rs.1 lakh one to Rs.10,00,000 will be treated as fourth Grade political parties. Political parties bearing from Rs.10,00,001 to Rs.1 crore will be recognized as third Grade political parties. Political parties bearing RDR of more than One crore and up to ₹100 crore will be registered as second class political parties. Political parties bearing RDRs of more than Rs 100 crore will be recognized as first class political parties. Grading  of Member Organizations on the criteria of capacity to dedication and integrity to the Alliance

  1. To keep a record of the income and expenditure and the records of members and functionaries of party,
  2. To train its members and functionaries,
  3. To monetarily evaluate the work done by functionaries of one’s party,
  4. To keep a monetary record of individuals and institutions who have donated to party,
  5. To provide employment to party members and functionaries,

(1)   Parties which attend the meetings of assembly of the heads or representatives of the coalition regularly and submit affidavits as per the proforma of the alliance to subscribe to the alliance.

(2) Parties which popularize the monetary assessment certificates issued by the alliance in the name of RDR among their party members, functionaries and donors and make them RDR bearers.

(3) Parties which receive the services of recognized experts of alliance for cadre training;

(4) Parties which engaged their party members and functionaries in the purchase and sale of goods and services recognized by the alliance;

(5) Parties that authorize coalition recognized chartered accountants, record-maintaining institutions.


Members who do not follow any of the above five provisions will be called fifth Grade political parties. Parties which consider only provision no.-1 will be treated as the 4th Grade party. Member organizations that accept the said provision no. (1) (2) will be called third Grade parties. The second ranked party shall be considered that accept provision no. (1) (2) (3). The parties accepting all the above five provisions will be recognized as first Grade parties.    Grading of Member Organizations on the criteria of capacity of the targeted population for public service- The fifth Grade will be granted to those political parties working for the development of their clan or caste or their limited geographical area. The fourth Grade will consist of political parties working for the development of their state. The third Grade will be given to the political parties which are working for the development of their country. The second Grade will consist of political parties working for the development and international peace amongst neighbouring countries as well. The first Grade will be granted to political parties working for the economic development of all the people staked out all over the world, for global peace and global good governance.

5.3.2.  Grading of Commercial Members      Any Commercial Member will be treated as the Fifth Grade Commercial Member who will agree to share 50% of profit obtained from the sale and purchase of goods and services come from the network of Alliance and also who will agree to share 10% net profit with the Alliance.      Any Commercial Member will be treated as the Fourth Grade Commercial Member who will be agree to share 75% of profit obtained from the sale and purchase of goods and services come from the network of Alliance and also who will agree to share 25% net profit with the Alliance.      Any Commercial Member will be treated as the Third Grade Commercial Member who will agree to donate its 80% profit and 50% net profit and to avail training of the Alliance for the members and office bearers of the Commercial Member conducted for reforms in contemporary polity and politics and who will agree to issue RDRs against works done or donation given by the Investors or company personnel or anybody else for the Commercial Member and also who will agree to share 50% net profit with the Alliance.      Any Commercial Member will be treated as the Second Grade Commercial Member who will agree to issue RDR as remuneration to company personnel and also who will agree to share 75% net profit with the Alliance. Also will avail training of political reformers for its company workers.      Any Commercial Member will be treated as the First Grade Commercial Member who will agree to sale the goods and services to the buyers against the RDR and also who will agree to share 90% net profit with the Alliance. And will avail benefits of training and avail benefits of RDR for its employees.


5.4.1.   The membership period of the Preliminary Membership of the Member Organizations of the Alliance will be 4 Years. the renewal of membership through application form will be essential within 4 Years. Any member organization can become the member of the Alliance only on the address, where office is situating permanently. In case of change of address, the member organization will be required to give notice to the central of regional office of the Alliance in written, immediately.

5.4.2.   Through the renewal application form, the Preliminary Member organizations of the Alliance will declare with oath that. Our organization vow –   to work to achieve the objectives of the Alliance through the procedure determined by it.   to make attempt to accommodate the working style to our organization as for as possible, according to the  constitution of the Alliance.   to practice to develop the higher judicious view point


5.5.1.   Any Member Organization who is desirous to become the Active Member of the Alliance will apply through the fixed form-3. To become the Active Member of the Alliance, the Member Organization has to choose any one name of any 5 vertical governing executive committees given in the application form. the applicant organization has also to write the name of the concerned cell or organ or front or operation, in which the applicant organization is especially interested to work.

5.5.2.   The Recruitment Council will have the right to ask the applicant for the recommendation of any member of the working committee or general assembly, or recruit the applicant on the proper place or at the adequate level as per rules.

5.5.3.   Recruitment council can do the interim or final registration according to its discretion.

5.5.4.   The final acceptance will be given by the concerned executive committee.

5.5.5.   The renewal of the Preliminary Membership will be made on prescribed application Form No.-1.1 with requisite fee.


5.6.1.   The Regional Committee shall, publish the roll of Preliminary and active member organizations enrolled or renewed during the previous term, before the 31st March in every three years. the revised and final roll, after scrutiny shall be published not later than the 31st of August every third year.

5.6.2.   The final roll published as above shall be in force till the next roll is prepared. Permanent lists or registers of active member organizations shall be prepared by the Regional executive after being duly certified by the respective governing Executive Committee.

5.6.3.   The right to make rules regarding verification will vest with the central executive committee.


5.7.1.   For the purpose of transfer from one level to another or from one organ to another any member organization aligned to the Alliance can give the application for one’s resignation or for the purpose of resignation or transfer. the application will be given to the executive head of one’s unit. Such head will send it to ones higher executive head with one’s recommendation for sanction. Such recommendation can have acceptance of the request in the application, or dismissal from membership or its suspension. In such case, the concerned member will have right to go to the concerned judicial council, against the decision of the concerned executive head.

5.7.2.   Besides the Global Agreement on Peace and Participation, GAPP central executive committee, other five executive committees will be free to formulate methods regarding resignation from membership or transfer.


5.8.1.   The Central Executive Committee of the Alliance will have right to form rules regarding the fundamental rights of member organizations, as well as their derived and legal rights.

5.8.2.   The Preliminary Member organizations of the Alliance will have the right to vote in the presidential election of the central executive committee.

5.8.3.   The Active Member organizations will have the right to vote in the election of local representatives of the General Assemblies of only that vertical level of which unit the organization belongs. For example the Active Member organization of the provincial unit would have right to vote in the election of the Alliance representative of the provincial legislative constituency held to constitute the provincial general assembly.


The duties of the coalition member organizations will be as follows:

5.9.1    Loyalty to the Constitution of the Coalition, constant efforts to achieve the status of a first Grade member organization as much as possible in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.3 of the Constitution of alliance and constant efforts for  propagation of coalition policies;

5.9.2    Deploying maximum manpower as possible in the demonstrations of coalition;

5.9.3    maximum economic cooperation in the coalition fund and depositing one’s share of money in the designated account by the due date;

5.9.4    Building friendly relations between the office bearers of the constituents of the alliance and constantly being vigilant and working to curb factionalism.

5.9.5    Regular study of coalition journals and getting people in one’s organization to be aware of the coalition policies and programmes;

5.9.6    Constantly exposing the false news disseminated by the corporate and government media institutions and exposing the conspiracy to develop suicidal narratives and attitude among the public by media hype and to constantly address public doubts;

5.9.7    Convincing other organizations to join the coalition;

5.9.8    Continue to convey the wishes, expectations and needs of the people to the Central Committee of the Coalition;

5.9.9    Following discipline in accordance with the Constitution and miscellaneous rules of the Coalition.

5.9.10 Donating time and donating efforts to perform the mission of the coalition.

5.9.11 To reach out to the convenors, national presidents and permanent representatives of all the components of the alliance at their own expense at the event organized by any component. To make the information available to the concerned organizer and to the office of Alliance at least 4 days in advance through a permanent representative.

5.9.12 No indecent remarks made by any associated party or its functionaries against the office bearer of any other party, which insults the targeted person.

5.9.13 Timely fulfillment of the obligations conferred by the assembly of the Coalition.

5.9.14 It will be the duty of other coalitions associated with the alliance to keep the political parties and social organizations associated with their alliance updated, ensure their presence in the assembly meetings of the alliance and the people’s awakening and involve them in programmes of the alliance, ensure that the economic contributions incurred from time to time in the share of their member parties and social organizations.



5.10.1. FINANCIAL SOURCES OF EXISTENTIAL SECURITY OF MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS    The fees paid to member organizations by the needful persons whom requirements are fulfilled by the respective unit of the Alliance.    The work valuation certifying notes, or refundable donation receipts to be encased through the financial bills passed by the parliament in future.


5.10.2. FINANCIAL SOURCES TO PERFORM THE ORGANIZATIONAL WORKS OF THE ALLIANCE    The contribution by the community whose collective interest is fulfilled by the member organization;    The fiscal amount issued in the name of the member organization for performing one’s works by the Alliance;    The work valuation certifying notes, RDRs.


5.11.1. SOURCES OF INSPIRATION FOR THE WORK OF THE NATIONAL/GLOBAL LEVEL MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS    Work for recognition, security and nourishment of collective economic heritage of people of the world.    Enable the citizens of whole world by enhancing and upgrading their Private Development Rate (PDR), so that they may utilize the road, electricity and other public means of communication and transport and fulfill their needs of medicine, food, clothes and house.    Establish the economic justice in terms of distribution by working for carrying the production to all the hands irrespective of ability of mind and money of individual.    Work for the works schedule for the National Unit.    Member organizations of Developmental General Assembly of national will work for the growth of production and development of national level infrastructure.

5.11.2. SOURCES OF INSPIRATION OF WORK FOR THE MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS OF THE PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE    Work with the motivation of security and nourishment of the cultural heritage of their area and community.    Work for increasing the Global Development Rate (GDR) and for expansion of traditional means of employment and for development of infrastructure like roads, electricity, communication and transport etc.    Work for more and more production of consumer goods.    Work for allotted work schedule for the Provincial General Assembly.

5.11.3. Sources of inspiration for the work of member organizations of Country Level, Hemi-national level and National level –    The life values and factors of inspiration of member organizations of the Provincial level and member organizations of National level will be opposite and complimentary to each other. Member organizations of these above said two committees will be inspiration for other three vertical committees of the Alliance existing in middle of the said two. the difference will be of only quantity not of quality.    The member organizations of the Country level assembly will work with inspiration of province level General Assembly.    The member organizations of Hemi-nation level will work with inspiration of national level Affairs.    The member organizations of the Homeland Level will work to coordinate between the provincial and national level assemblies in terms of policies and objectives.



5.12.1. Determination of amount of Fee for Preliminary Member organizations    The amount of Preliminary Membership fee will be decided by the Central Executive Committee.    The Central Executive Committee will do this job on the basis of report of the regional executive committees.

5.12.2. MISCELLANEOUS    Any member organization can give short term or long term loan to the Alliance. the lender may authorize any institution to get the amount repaid back. Promissory notes, Hundis, work valuation notes/certificates, refundable donation receipt or receipts/ guarantee notes recognized by the Alliance may be issued to the lender against the loan.    Through the regional offices the central Executive committee of the Alliance will verify the membership of the Preliminary Member organizations. It will submit the report to the Alliance with recommendations, as to which member has not been proved true on the rules of membership. Membership of such member will be held null and void. But such member can submit a petition to the judicial council of the Global Agreement on Peace and Participation, GAPP against such invalidation. Decision of the judicial council will be final.    Other five vertical executive committees of the Alliance will regularly verify the membership through the respective local committees and will submit their report and recommendation to the concerned vertical executive committee of respective governing level.    The Central Executive Committee of the Alliance will determine time to time the amount of the fee for Preliminary Membership and for Active Membership for various vertical Governing Levels.    The Central Executive Committee will drive membership campaign through various managerial level units of the Alliance. the Regional Executive Committees will perform their duties through District Executive Committees of their area. the District Executive Committees will deploy block and village/ward level units of the Alliance to enroll the organisations as Preliminary and Active Member organizations of the Alliance.    The share in fund received as membership fee or as donations to the Alliance will be distributed to various vertical executive Committees as per the rules given in Shedule-3 of this constitution.    The Central Executive Committee will have right to make and amend rules regarding membership and distribution of amount of fee of membership.    If any committee entitled to get its share from the amount of Membership fee or donation; does not exist, or is suspended, or is dismissed; the said share will be deposited in the account of the Central Executive Committee.


the executive committee related to the member organization will have the right to dismiss the membership, or to postpone for some years on the basis of description or to transfer into any counterpart assembly committee on the basis of any one of the following :

5.13.1. Nonpayment of fee;

5.13.2. Resignation

5.13.3. Dissolution of the member organisation.

5.13.4. Inactiveness

5.13.5. Suspension or Removal on recommendation by the related judicial council found guilty of illegitimate and/or Unconstitutional behavior.


5.14.1 Basis of disciplinary proceedings

  1. If the information about the creation of factionalism by a constituent party is proved correct, the constituent party will be excluded from the alliance.
  2. Use and behaviour of obscene, violent and unparliamentary language.
  3. Violation of rules relating to public statements.
  4. Violation of grand alliance rules.
  5. Violation of publishing rules.

6        Direct or indirect cooperation in the “conspiracy of divide for exploitation “.

5.14.2 Penal Legislation

  1. The guilty party will be blacklisted and will be circulated through the media by passing a mass censure motion against the head of the party.
  2. Penalty of money will be levied by the Judicial Council on the basis of Memorandam of Understanding.
  3. While taking disciplinary action, the concerned Committee of the Alliance shall have the right to suspend or cancel the membership of the member for a few years or transfer it to another category of the alliance.
  4. The Central Committee shall reserve the power to transfer a member organization to a horizontal or vertical committee of the alliance under disciplinary proceedings.

5.14.3 Provisions of Self-Defense

5.1.1     A member organization punished under disciplinary proceedings shall have the right to file a petition in the concerned Judicial Council and appeal against the decision of the Council to the Higher Judicial Council.

5.1.2     The accused or the convicted party will submit its petition against the charge or punishment to the higher unit of the Judicial Council in self-defence. The decision of the Judicial Council will be final.










There will be a body of the Alliance on each and every level to approve the works of respective executive committee of the Alliance, to sanction budget, functions, plans and activities, which will be called the General Assembly of the respective executive committee and of the respective executive committee. Initially there will be single level of the Alliance, which will be called the Central Level. the founder member organizations of the Alliance will form an executive Committee, which will be called the Central Executive Committee (C.E.C.).  Latter on with the pace of growth of the cadre of the Alliance, the Central General Assembly and the C.E.C. will be composed as per the provisions of this constitution. there will be two components of General Assembly. the first will be called Legislative General Assembly and Second will be called Developmental General Assembly. Apart from these rules, the other rules in connection to General Assembly will be as under:



           The executive committees of the five governing levels will send delegates to compose the Central General Assembly. the number of delegates from the country level executive Committee; Indian Unit of Homeland affairs, of Hemi-national Affairs and of National Affairs will be the same as the number of total provinces of the concerned area.  To make representation of delegates more judicious and legitimate, the Central Executive Committee will fix time to time a range of number of Preliminary Member organizations of the Alliance to elect one delegate for the central General Assembly on the report of Regional Executive Committees.



the member organizations, which will enroll the maximum work force to the Alliance activities, will be entitled to get the membership of the Legislative General Assembly, LGA on priority basis.

there will be two components of General Assembly –


7.2.1.   Developmental General Assembly, DGA parallel to the Legislative General Assembly, LGA of the Alliance. This will be the body of those organizations who will render maximum economic contribution to the respective general assembly. the vacant seats of Developmental General Assembly will be filled by the organizations of the Merit List made on the basis of financial contribution Competition Assessment.

7.2.2.   The number of seats in the Developmental General Assembly, DGA  will be the same as that of the legislative general assembly. the territorial area of the seats will also be the same as that of the legislative general assembly. the President of Executive Committee of respective level will nominate the Member organizations of Developmental General Assembly.

7.2.3.   Any member can apply for nomination in the Developmental General Assembly, but the applicant has to mention the maximum financial amount which can be given according to one’s capacity for the related financial year. In the application form, this information has also to be mentioned that in which level, area and seat the applicant organization wants its nomination.

7.2.4.   The office authorized for above said nomination, will keep all the application forms confidential as tenders.  After analysis of all application forms coming for the seat from one area, it will open them before the member organizations authorized by the judicial council in an open ceremony. Recruitment council will recommend to the executive committee for the nomination of the person desirous to give maximum financial contribution in any particular area. This member will be nominated for the term of one financial year. This nomination will be interim. If the organization is successful in contributing the declared amount, as per ones desire, the Member Organization will be finally regarded as the developmental member of the General Assembly on that seat for the next one year.

7.2.5    गठबंधन की विकासक साधारण सभा के गठन की प्रक्रिया पूरी तरह से पारदर्शी होगी। यह प्रतियोगिता संबंधित इकाई के निर्वाचन प्राधिकरण द्वारा संचालित की जाएगी। गठबंधन के संविधान के प्रावधानों के अनुरूप गठबंधन का निर्वाचन प्राधिकरण विधायक और विकासक साधारण सभा का गठन करेगा।


there will be a transparent procedure for the composition of the Developmental General Assembly of the GAPP Alliance.  This competition will be organized by the Election Authority of the Alliance. the same Election Authority will decide the process of election as per the rule of this constitution to compose the Legislative General Assembly, LGA and Developmental General Assembly, DGA.


7.4.1.   The legislative member of the General Assembly can declare null and void any order by the developmental member. Likewise the developmental member will have the same right veto against the legislative member of his area.

7.4.2.   The Developmental General Assembly, DGA can declare as invalid any proposal passed by the majority of the legislative general assembly. the Legislative General Assembly, LGA will also have the some right, against the developmental general assembly.

7.4.3.   Any legislative or developmental member organization can introduce any bill in its concern assembly. the Member Organization can caste vote for or against at the time of voting to pass any proposal. He can do any such work or utilize his support in such a way so that the organization is benefitted as a group, or the member is benefitted himself provided the veto is not used against him.

7.4.4.   After proving the claim for adding manpower, one can become the First Vice President of the executive committee of the respective level and by proving the claim to the contribution of resources, one can nominated by the President and become the Second Vice President of the respective executive committee.


7.5.1.   The legislative member organizations of the General Assembly will try to establish co-ordination between the member organizations and public of their area and needs of the GAPP executive committee.

7.5.2.   The present or ex-member organization will keep his close watch to recommend the new organizations to join, who would be useful for the Alliance. However no member will insist that the recommended organisation must be elected for the executive Committee only on the basis of its recommendation.







There will be a Central Executive Committee and some other executive committees on various levels of the GAPP Alliance. the Executive Committees will work according to constitution of the Alliance, principles and policy-directions, in order to conduct various activities related with the allotted amount sanctioned by the respective general assembly.


Many executive powers of the GAPP will lie with the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance. Main executive powers will lie with the president of the executive committee, who will perform his functions through the organs of the committee named as Bureau, Secretariat and Board.


8.2.1.   There will be four vertical classes of office bearers of Central Executive Committee. The president will be at first level. Vice Presidents will be at second level and all other office bearers will be at third level.

8.2.2.   There will be four organs of the GAPP executive committee. these organs will be called Directorate, Bureau, Secretariat and Board. Head of the Policy Directorate will be called Policy Director, the head of the Bureau will be called First Vice President and head of the Board will be called Second Vice President.

8.2.3.   There will be a secretary general of the executive committee to convey the expectations of the Bureau and Board each other and to the President, under whom the secretariat of the executive committee will function.

8.2.4.   There will be a President- Alliance Fund in the executive Committee who will maintain the detailed record of the income and expenditure of the GAPP Alliance.

8.2.5.   On the advice of Second Vice President, the President of the committee will nominate one of the Members amongst the member organizations of General Assembly as the First Vice President of the CEC.


8.3.1.   ELECTION OF PRESIDENT OF THE CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE   The Central General Assembly of the Alliance will elect one of its Members as the President of Central Executive Committee who have affinity with all the Preliminary Member organizations of the Alliance irrespective of social, cultural, religious, geographical relation and irrespective of level of fund of Preliminary Member organizations of the Alliance.   The President of Central Executive Committee will work as per the advice of the Policy Director, if any. Its main function will be to make coordination to eliminate any conflict occurred between the two components of General Assemblies, to establish harmony among the various member organizations, to eliminate the conflict between the Board and Bureau and between First and second Vice Presidents and to promoting cause of the Alliance by working as filament between many hindrances and conflicts of member organisation.   No one person can remain on the post of the president for more than two conjugative terms. So for as possible the president will represent the most popular contemporary ideological class.


The First Vice President of the central executive will be nominated by the President on the advice of the Second Vice President amongst the elected Members of Central Legislative General Assembly of the Alliance. The person, who will be the best in the matter of understanding of science of human behavior; constitution, policy and strategy of the Alliance, will be nominated as First Vice President.


the Second Vice President of the Central Executive Committee will be that elected member of the Central General Assembly of the Alliance who had given the maximum financial contribution to the Alliance in the last fiscal year. the President of the Central Executive Committee will nominate Second Vice President on the advice of First Vice President. So for as possible the Second Vice President will represent the second most popular contemporary ideological class. the term of Second Vice President will be one fiscal year.


The both Vice Presidents will have right to nominate and recommend maximum 8 assistants to perform their duties to provide representation to various representative political thoughts into the Alliance to the president. these nominations will be made amongst the elected Members of Central General Assembly. As far as possible, in due course of the proceedings of nomination of the Assistant Vice Presidents the maximum one person will be nominated from each class of representative thoughts. These representation thoughts will be known as Cultural Leftists, Cultural Rightists, Economic Leftists, Economic rightists, Cultural Centrists, cultural  decentrists, Economic Centrists and economic  decentrists. the Central Committee will frame rules to certify the office bearers of the Alliance to identifying the Member Organizations of above said representative thoughts.


The secretary general of the central executive Committee will be nominated amongst the elected Members of Central General Assembly by the President on the joint advice of First and Second Vice Presidents. To be appointed the post of the secretary general, a person will be required to have a fixed certificate of qualification from any institution, conducted or recognized or authorized by the Alliance.

8.3.6.   Nomination of General Manager-Alliance Fund/TREASURER OF CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-

The In General Manager-Alliance Fund of the Central Executive Committee will be nominated either by all the Assistant Vice Presidents, unanimously. In case of opinion differences, the General Manager-Alliance Fund will be nominated by the President on the joint advice of First and Second Vice Presidents amongst the elected Members of Central General Assembly. The General Manager-Alliance Fund will also be the in charge of the institution of the GAPP Alliance called as the GAPP Alliance fund.


The other Members of the Central Executive Committee other than president, vice presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, Secretary General and Treasurer will be nominated by the president on the recommendation of the First Vice President unanimously amongst the elected Members of Central General Assembly of the Alliance.

8.3.8.   The other 10 member of the Central Executive committee will be the ex-officio heads (EOH) of bellow mentioned various organs of the Alliance.

            Member-Organ                                                                      Post

1th    Member EOH- Alliance Fund                                            General-Manager

2nd    Member             EOH- Parliamentary Council                             President

3rd    Member EOH- Election Authority                                     President

4th    Member EOH- Electoral Candidates Selection Council   President

5th    Member EOH- Judicial Council                                         President

6th    Member EOH- Public Service Recruitment Council         Director-General

7th    Member EOH- Vertical Coordinating Council                  Filament


8th    Member EOH- Horizontal Coordinating Council           Filament Coordinator


9th    Member EOH- Security Council                                        Director-General

10th  Member EOH- Mass-communication Authority               Spokesman


Two third majorities of all the members of the Central Executive Committee will elect any person from the register of recognized Zero Member organizations as a Policy-Director of the Central Executive Committee. In absence of the two third majorities, this post of policy director will be kept vacant. As far as possible the recognition will be given to such a person, for the post, who should be beyond any politics of caste, race, sect, country, the Alliance and self interest. Through the Policy Director the Alliance could unite humanity instead of dividing it and on whose ideals; the central executive would like to be run. the Policy Director will remain on his post till the grace of two third majority of the Central General Assembly.

8.3.10. As per above provisions the Central Executive Committee will consist:

Policy Director                              –                       01

President                                       –                       01

Vice Presidents                             –                       02

Assistant Vice Presidents              –                       01-16

Secretary   General                       –                       01

Secretary                                       –                       01-16

Members                                                              -10


Term of all office bearers will be 4 years. the term of second vice president will be one year.


8.4.1.   All vertical executive committees of governing levels will have separate jurisdiction and Working List. The working list is given in the Shedule-2 of this constitution.

8.4.2.   There will be five vertical executive committees of governing levels. these Committees will be created by the respective general Assembly. the rules, regulations, procedure, rights and duties of these 5 types of vertical units will be decided by the General Assembly of the respective unit with approval of central committee.

8.4.3.   Every vertical executive committee of governing levels may have-   its own constitution and flag.   The constitution of vertical level units will be registered with the Central executive committee of the GAPP Alliance.  Provisions of the constitution of any executive committee of governing levels will be held null and void till the extent being hindrance in enforcing the constitution of the central executive committee.   The Active Membership of the member organizations of the Alliance will be registered with one of the vertical executive committees of the GAPP Alliance.  the same can be transferred time to time from one vertical executive committee to another from smaller territory to larger, through the prescribed application form.   Five executive committees will be called, Provincial executive committee, Country Executive Committee, Homeland Executive Committee, hemi- national Executive Committee and National Executive Committee.   Every province of the Indian Union will have its own executive committee, which will have the jurisdiction of territory of every respective province.   The territory of the existing Union of India shall be the jurisdiction of the country executive committee.   The territories of nation states of the world will have its own country executive Committee which will be nominated with the name of respective nation state.   Total 4 to 6 new territories will be demarcated by the Central Committee of the Alliance to group all the countries of the world in 4 to 6 blocks of the neighboring nation states. All above said 4 to 6 territories will be called Homeland territories. Each Homeland territories will have its respective executive Committee.   Total 2 new territories will be demarcated by the Central Committee of the Alliance to group all the countries of the world in two blocks of the neighboring nation states. Above said two territories will be called Hemi-national territories. Each hemi-national territories will have its respective executive Committee, which will be called Hemi-national executive Committee. Group of all the nation states of the world will be called national territory. National territory will have its own executive Committee, which will be national executive Committee.


To fulfill the foreign interests of the domestic citizens of the countries, there will be some country level executive committees of the Alliance to look the external affairs. these committees will be constituted at three levels which will be called as Homeland or Watani Level, Hemi-national or Prarashtra Level and National Level. In All the countries the 4  committees of Homeland Affairs, 2 Committees of Heminational affairs and one committee of national affairs will be constituted. the organs, sub organs and various committees of the Alliance working on the foreign affairs of the Alliance will work to draft and enact the adequate international treaties; so that all the organizations of the said area could be legally entitled to get the membership of the Alliance in future.

8.6. The three levels will be call as country executive Committee for homeland level affairs, country executive Committee for hemi-nation level affairs, country executive Committee for nation level affairs.

8.7. Till the adoption of above said international treaty, only organisations of the concerned country may be eligible to join above said three vertical committees made to look the foreign interests of domestic citizens of the concerned country. But looking the adoption of treaty namely GATT, this condition will be applicable only in the political unit of the Alliance, not in commercial and social unit.

8.8. Provisions regarding constitution of three executive committees made to look the foreign interests of domestic citizens of India are given in Schedule 4.1 of this constitution. the provisions for other countries will be similar and will be annexed in same schedule with deferent sections and sub sections.



8.9.1.   TITLE OF THE OFFICES AND NUMBER OF OFFICE BEARERS AT ACTION LEVEL COMMITTEES   The title of the offices of office bearers and respective number of office bearers at all five Action Level Committees will consist of below mentioned not less than 05 and not more than 17 Members. the details will be as under:

1. President 01
2. First Vice President 01
3. Second Vice President 01
4. Treasurer 01
5. General Secretary 01
6. Secretary 01
7. Intimation Officer 01
8. Membership In-charge 01
9. Panch 01
10. Store In Charge 01
11. Publicity In Charge 01
12. Security In Charge 01
13. RDR In Charge 01   The Action Level Committees will be constituted at five levels. these levels are Booth, Village/Panchayat/Municipal Ward, Sector, Circle and Block. the four or more neighboring Villages/Panchayats/Municipal Wards, as decided by the respective Block Committee; will form a sector area. the four or more neighboring sectors, not more than one fourth area of respective block area and population, as decided by the respective Block Committee; will form a Circle area. the numbers of the circles in one block area will be four and the name of the Circles will be East Circle, West Circle, North Circle and South CCircle.   The district Committee will have right to insert additional offices in the vertical committees of Action Level.

8.9.2.   Composition of Executive Committee at Booth Action Level   The primary unit of the alliance party will be formed at the booth level where at least 06 Primary members are present. The representatives of Primary Members for the booth level General Assembly will be elected by 02, 05 or by 10 Primary Members respectively, If the number of Primary Members of all organizations of the alliance in the concerned booth will be more than 04, 30 and 75. The General Assembly of booths will elect a president for the Working Committee of the booth unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 3 members and a maximum of 17 members. In the interim, the Booth President will nominate the members of the Booth Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The General Assembly of the booth will choose at least one representative from each organizations of alliance, each castes and sects to send to the General Assembly of the village. The President of the booth will appoint one page in charge for each page of the voter list of the concerned amongst the elected members of the General Assembly of booths. The General Assembly of booths will also elect another delegate to send it to the General Assembly of the Human Parliament  constituency (joint constituency of four neighbouring Lok Sabhas). The Booth Working Committee will be constituted tentatively on the rules by which the Central Working Committee is constituted as far as possible.


8.9.3.     Composition of Executive Committee at Village/Panchayat/Municipal Ward Action Level   There will be two Houses of the General Assembly. One will be called Village/Ward House and the other will be called Booth House. Elected representatives of these two Houses of the General Assembly of village/village will elect the President and other functionaries of the Working Committee of the Village/ Ward unit. The Village/Ward Working Committee will be constituted in villages or wards where at least 11 Primary members of all organizations of the alliance are present. Primary Members of all organizations of alliance, all castes, sects and ideologies residing the concerned village/village will form an electorate. The representatives of Primary Members for the village/ward level General Assembly will be elected by 02, 05 or by 10 Primary Members respectively, If the number of Primary Members in the concerned village/ward will be more than 04, 30 and 75. These elected members will be called the Member of the Village/Ward House.    The General Assembly of the village/ward will elect a President for the Working Committee of the village by consensus or by a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The Village/Ward President will tentatively nominate the members of the Village/Ward Working Committees from among the elected members of the General Assembly. Finally, the office bearers of the Working Committee of the village or ward will be elected by the General Assembly. At least one representative from all organizations of the alliance, all political ideologies, castes and all sects will be elected in the Working Committee of the village as far as possible.    The General Assembly of the village/ward will send two representatives to the General Assembly of the sector and one representative to the General Assembly of the Circle Circle. The General Assembly of the village/ward will also elect another delegate with a two-thirds majority to send it to the General Assembly of the constituency of Family Parliament (joint constituency of three neighbouring Lok Sabhas).


8.9.4.   Composition of Executive Committee at Sector Action Level   The circle will have two Houses of General Assembly. One will be called Village House and the other will be called Sector House. The Village House will have one delegate each from all the villages of the circle 02 delegates each from all the Sectors. These representatives will be collectively called members of the Circle House. The General Assembly of the Circle will elect a President for the Working Committee of the Circle unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The Circle President will tentatively nominate the members of the Circle Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Working Committee of the sector will finally be elected by the General Assembly. At least one representative from all organizations of the alliance, all political ideologies, all castes, and all sects will be elected in the Working Committee of the Circle as far as possible.   The General Assembly of the Circle will elect its two representatives to send to the General Assembly of the block. The General Assembly of the Circle will also elect another delegate with a two-thirds majority to send it to the General Assembly of Lok sabha constituency.


8.9.5.   Composition of Executive Committee at Circle Action Level   The circle will have two Houses of General Assembly. One will be called Village House and the other will be called Sector House. The Village House will have one delegate each from all the villages of the circle 02 delegates each from all the Sectors. These representatives will be collectively called members of the Circle House. The General Assembly of the Circle will elect a President for the Working Committee of the Circle unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The Circle President will tentatively nominate the members of the Circle Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Working Committee of the sector will finally be elected by the General Assembly. At least one representative from all organizations of the alliance, all political ideologies, all castes, and all sects will be elected in the Working Committee of the Circle as far as possible.   The General Assembly of the Circle will elect its two representatives to send to the General Assembly of the block. The General Assembly of the Circle will also elect another delegate with a two-thirds majority to send it to the General Assembly of Lok sabha constituency.


8.9.6.      Composition of Executive Committee at Block Action Level   The block unit will have three Houses of General Assembly. One will be called Circle House, the other will be Called Sector House and the third will be called Village House. The Circle House will have three representatives from all the four circles, two from all sectors and one each from all the villages.   The General Assembly of the Block shall elect a Block Executive Committee consisting of not less than 05 and not more than 16 Members and shall also elect a President. The Block President shall appoint the office bearers amongst the elected delegates representing various Circles and Sectors.   The General Assembly of the Block will elect two representatives each from all the organizations of alliance, all Political ideologies, all castes and sects residing in the Block to send their representatives to the General Assembly of the Legislative Assembly of the State. The General Assembly of the block will elect two delegates by a two-thirds majority to send to the General Assembly of the District.

8.9.7.   TITLE OF THE OFFICES AND NUMBER OF OFFICE BEARERS AT CONSTITUENCY LEVEL COMMITTEES   The title of the offices of office bearers and respective number of office bearers at all five Constituency Level Committees will consist of below mentioned not less than 05 and not more than 16 Members. the details will be as under:

1. President 01
2. First Vice President 01
3. Second Vice President 01
4. Treasurer 01
5. General Secretary 01
6. Secretary 01
7. President- Election Authority 01
8. Membership Registrar 01
9. President- Electoral Candidates Selection Council 01
10. President- Judicial Council 01
11. Director- Public Service Recruitment Council 01
12. Citizenship Registrar 01
13. Senior Security Officer 01
14. Media In Charge 01
15. In- charge- Miscellaneous Affairs 01
16. RDR In Charge 01   The Constituency Level Committees will be constituted at five levels. these levels are:

1st C Level State Assembly Constituency Level (MLA Level)
2nd C Level Country Parliamentary Constituency Level  (MP Level)
3rd C Level Village Parliamentary Constituency Level (MVP Level)
4th C Level Family Parliamentary Constituency Level (MFP  Level)
5th C Level Human Parliamentary Constituency Level (MHP Level)   The area of Village Parliamentary Constituency will be the collective area of two neighboring constituencies of parliament of India, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee. the area of Family Constituency will be the collective area of three neighboring constituencies of parliament of India, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee. the area of Human Parliament Constituency will be the collective area of four neighboring constituencies of parliament of India, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee.   The Regional Executive Committee will have right to insert additional offices in the vertical committees of Constituency Level.

8.9.8.   Composition of Executive Committee of State Assembly Constituency Level   The Legislative Assembly Unit will have four Houses of The General Assembly. The first will be called block house, the second as Circle House, the third as Sector House and the fourth as Village House. The Block House will have four representatives from all the blocks, three from all the four circles in the Circle House, two from all sectors in Sector House and one each from all villages in the Village House. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal.   The General Assembly of the Legislative Assembly will elect a President  to the Working Committee of the Legislative Assembly unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President of the Legislative Assembly will tentatively nominate the members of the Legislative Assembly from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Working Committee of the sector will finally be elected by the General Assembly. At least one representative from all coalition organizations, all castes, and all sects will be elected in the Working Committee of the Legislative Assembly as far as possible. The General Assembly of the Legislative Assembly will elect two representatives of the coalition to send to the General Assembly of Lok Sabha.   The General Assembly of the State Assembly Constituency shall elect 01  delegate for the General Assembly of respective State Unit of the Alliance by unanimously or by two third majority.

8.9.9.   Composition of Executive Committee of Country Parliament Constituency Level   The Lok Sabha unit will have two Houses of the General Assembly. The first will be called the Legislative Assembly House, the second as the Circle House. The Legislative Assembly House will have two representatives from all legislative assemblies and one from all circles for the Circle House. At least one representative from all Political ideologies, all castes and all sects will be elected in the General Assembly of the Lok Sabha as far as possible. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal.   The General Assembly of the Lok Sabha will elect a president for the Working Committee of the Lok Sabha by a unanimous or two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President will tentatively nominate the members of the Lok Sabha Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Working Committee of the Lok Sabha will finally be elected by the General Assembly.   The General Assembly of the Lok Sabha will elect a representative to send its representatives to the General Assembly of the All India Unit.   The General Assembly of the State Assembly constituency will elect 02-02 representatives for the General Assembly of the concerned State Unit of the Alliance by a unanimous or two-thirds majority. One will be elected from the General Assembly and the other from the Developer General Assembly.


8.9.10. Composition of Executive Committee of Villages Parliamentary Constituency Level The unit of Villages Parliamentary Constituency will have two Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the Lok Sabha House, the second as the Sector House. Lok Sabha House will have one representative, each from all Lok Sabhas and one each from all sectors in Sector House. At least one representative from all the political parties, all castes and all sects will be elected in the General Assembly of the Villages Parliamentary Constituency as far as possible. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The General Assembly of the Villages Parliamentary Constituency will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President will tentatively nominate the members of the Working Committee of the Villages Parliamentary Constituency from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Working Committee will finally be elected by the General Assembly. The General Assembly of the Villages Parliamentary Constituency will elect a representative to send its representatives to the General Assembly of the watan.

8.9.11. Composition of Executive Committee of Family Parliament Constituency Level The unit of The Family Parliament Constituency will have two Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the Village Parliament  ConstituencyHouse, the second as the Village House. Village Parliament Constituency House will have two representatives each from all Village Parliament Constituencies and one each from all villages/wards in Village House. At least one representative from all political ideologies, all castes and all sects will be elected in the General Assembly of the Family Parliament constituency as far as possible. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The General Assembly of the Family Parliament constituency will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President will tentatively nominate the members of the Working Committee of the Family Parliament Constituency from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Working Committee will finally be elected by the General Assembly. The General Assembly of the Family Parliamentary Constituency Unit shall elect 02 delegates for the respective General Assembly of Human Parliamentary Constituency Unit. The General Assembly of the Family Parliament constituency will elect one representative to send its representatives to the General Assembly of The Hemi- Nation.

8.9.12. Composition of Executive Committee of Human Parliamentary Constituency Level The Unit of The Human Parliament Constituency will have two Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the Family Parliament Constituency House, the second as the Booth House. The Family Parliament Constituency House will have two representatives each from all the family Parliament constituencies and one each from all booths in the Booth House. As far as possible, at least one representative from all the organizations of the alliance, all castes and all sects will be elected in the General Assembly of the Human Parliament constituency. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The General Assembly of the Human Parliament Constituency will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President will tentatively nominate the members of the Working Committee of the Human Parliament Constituency from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Working Committee will finally be elected by the General Assembly. The General Assembly of the Human Parliament Constituency will elect one representative to send its representatives to the General Assembly of the Nation.


8.9.13.    TITLE OF THE OFFICES AND NUMBER OF OFFICE BEARERS AT GOVERNING LEVEL COMMITTEES The title of the offices of office bearers and respective number of office bearers at all five Governing Level Committees will consist of below mentioned not less than 05 and not more than 17 Members. the details will be as under:

1. President 01
2. First Vice President 01
3. Second Vice President 01
4. General Manager – Alliance Fund 01
5. Secretary General 01
6. Secretary 01
7. President- Parliamentary Council 01
8. President- Election Authority 01
9. President- Electoral Candidates Selection Council 01
10. President- Judicial Council 01
11. Director General- Public Service Recruitment Council 01
12. Filament Coordinator-Vertical – Vertical Coordinating Council 01
13. Filament Coordinator-Horizontal- Horizontal Coordinating Council 01
14. Director General -Security Council 01
15. Spokesman – Mass Communication Authority 01
16. RDR In Charge 01 The Governing Level Committees will be constituted at five levels. these levels are:

1st  G Level              Provincial (State) level

2nd G Level              Country Level

3rd G Level              Homeland/Homeland/Indian Unit for Homeland or                   Watan level Affairs

4th G Level               Hemi-nation/Indian Unit for Hemi-national level                       Affairs

5th G Level               Nation/Indian Unit for national level Affairs The area of Homeland or Watan will be the collective area of neighboring countries of Indian Union, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee. the area of Hemi-nation will be the collective area of two or three neighboring Homelands/area of half of the earth, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee. the area of nation will be the collective area of two neighboring Hemi-nations/area of entire earth. Hence there will be one unit of the Alliance at the level of Nation/Indian Unit for national level affairs, two units at the level of Hemi-nation/Indian Unit for Hemi-national level affairs and four or six units at the level of Homeland/Homeland/Indian Unit for Homeland level affairs. The Central Executive Committee will have right to insert additional offices in the vertical committees of Governing Levels. It will be obligatory that the personal economic status of the candidates declared eligible to contest elections should be gradually less, lesser and least in order to smaller to larger areas for the elections being held for the post of the presidents of various governing levels. That means the candidate for the elections to be held for the post of the president of executive committee of the Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs will have the least economic status of wealth and the candidates for the elections to be held for the post of the president of the executive committee of provinces/states will be the foremost. Central Committee of the Alliance will declare the five slabs of the property/prosperity for five governing vertical executive committees. An office bearer who is willing to contest the election of president of anyone vertical executive committee will have to proof whether the Member Organization belongs with the concerned economic slab or not?

8.9.14. Composition of Executive Committee of State Level The State or Provincial unit will have two Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the Assembly Constituency House, the second as the District House. The Assembly Constituency House will have two representatives from all assembly constituencies, one each from all the districts in the District House. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The State or Provincial General Assembly will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The State or Provincial President will tentatively nominate the members of the State or Provincial Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the Provincial Working Committee will finally be elected by the General Assembly. At least one representative from all the regional organizations, all castes and all sects of the alliance will be elected in the Provincial Working Committee as far as possible. The Provincial General Assembly will elect two representatives each to send its representatives to the All India General Assembly. The Provincial Assembly will elect 01 representative to the General Assembly of the concerned Regional Unit of the Alliance by consensus or by a two-thirds majority.

8.9.15. Composition of Executive Committee of Country Level The All India Unit will have two Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the State or Provincial House, the second Lok Sabha Constituency House. The State or Provincial House will have two representatives from all the states, one each from all Lok Sabhas in the Lok Sabha Constituency House. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The All India General Assembly will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The All India president will tentatively nominate the members of the All India Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the state  Working Committee will finally be elected by the General Assembly. As far as possible, at least one representative from all the political ideologies will be elected. The All India General Assembly will elect two representatives each to send its representatives to the General Assembly of Watan or Homeland. The All India General Assembly will unanimously or with a two-thirds majority elect 01 representative for the General Assembly of the concerned Central Unit of the Alliance.


8.9.16.    Composition of Executive Committee of Homeland/Indian Unit for Homeland or Watan level Affairs The unit of Watan or Homeland will have two houses of general assembly. The first will be called the All India House, the second Village Parliament Constituency house. The All India House will have two representatives from all Indian units for Affairs of Countries, one each from all village Parliament Constituencies in the Village Parliament Constituency House. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The General Assembly of Watan will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President of the Watan will tentatively nominate the members of the Working Committee of the Watan from the elected members of the General Assembly. Finally, the office bearers of the Working Committee of the Watan will be elected by the General Assembly. As far as possible, at least one representative from all the political ideologies will be elected. The General Assembly of the Homeland will elect two representatives each to send its representatives to the General Assembly of The Hemi-Nation. The General Assembly of watan will elect 01 representative for the General Assembly of the concerned Central Unit of the Alliance by consensus or by a two-thirds majority.

8.9.17. Composition of Executive Committee of Hemi-nation/Indian Unit for Hemi-national level Affairs The Unit of Hemi-National Affairs will have two Houses of the General Assembly. The first will be called the Homelnad House, the second Family Parliament constituency house. The Homeland House will have two representatives from both Homelands one each from all Family Parliament constituencies in the Family Parliament Constituency House. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The General Assembly of National Affairs will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or by a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President of The National Affairs will tentatively nominate the members of the Working Committee on National Affairs from among the elected members of the General Assembly. Finally, the office bearers of the Working Committee on National Affairs will be elected by the General Assembly. As far as possible, at least one representative from all the political ideologies will be elected. The General Assembly of Hemi- National Affairs will elect two representatives to send to the General Assembly of the Nation. The General Assembly of National Affairs will elect 01 representative to the General Assembly of the concerned Central Unit of the Alliance unanimously or by a two-thirds majority.


8.9.18. Composition of Executive Committee of Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs The National Unit will have two Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the Hemi-National House, the second is the Human Parliament Constituency House. The Hemi-National House will have two representatives from both Hemi-nations, one each from all Human Parliament Constituencies in the Human Parliament Constituency House. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The General Assembly of National Affairs will elect a president for its Working Committee unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The National President will tentatively nominate the members of the Working Committee on National Affairs from among the elected members of the General Assembly. The office bearers of the National Affairs Working Committee will finally be elected by the General Assembly. As far as possible, at least one representative from all the political ideologies will be elected. The General Assembly of National Affairs will elect 02 representatives to the General Assembly of the Central Unit of the Alliance unanimously or with a two-thirds majority.


8.9.19. TITLE OF THE OFFICES AND NUMBER OF OFFICE BEARERS AT MANAGERIAL LEVEL COMMITTEES The title of the offices of office bearers and respective number of office bearers at two Managerial Level Committees will consist of not less than 05 and not more than 16 Members. the details will be as under:

1. President 01
2. First Vice President 01
3. Second Vice President 01
4. General Manager- Alliance Fund 01
5. Secretary General 01
6. Secretary 01
7. Membership Registrar 01
8. President- Election Authority 01
9. Citizenship Registrar 01
10. President- Judicial Council 01
11. Director General- Public Service Recruitment Council 01
12. Filament Coordinator-Vertical – Vertical Coordinating Council 01
13. Filament Coordinator-Horizontal- Horizontal Coordinating Council 01
14. Director General -Security Council 01
15. Spokesman – Mass Communication Authority 01
16. RDR In Charge 01 The Managerial Level Committees will be constituted at two levels. these levels are:

1st  M Level             Regional level

2nd M Level             District Level The area of Region will be the collective area of five or more constituencies of country parliament, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee. The Central Executive Committee will have right to insert additional offices in the vertical committees of Managerial Levels. The Regional Executive Committee will have right to open its Zonal units to get assisted to perform the responsibilities of the Regional Committees. the office bearers of the Zonal Committees will be nominated by the President of the Regional Executive Committee amongst the elected Members of General Assembly of the Regional unit. the Zonal Committee will work as the sub-committee formed by the Regional Committee, hence the rights and duties of the Zonal unit and the office bearers of the Zonal Executive Committee will be decided by the respective Regional Committee.

8.9.20. Composition of Executive Committee of District Level The Janapada Sabha unit will have 4 Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the Legislative Assembly House, the second the Block House, the third the Circle House, the fourth the Sector House. The block house will have three representatives from all the blocks, two each from all the four circles in the circle house, one each from all sectors in the sector house. The total vote value of all the representatives of all houses will be equal. The General Assembly of the Janapada Sabha will elect a president for the Working Committee of the Janapada Sabha unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President of the Janapada Sabha will tentatively nominate the members of the Janapada Sabha Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. Finally, the office bearers of the Working Committee of the Janapada Sabha will be elected by the General Assembly. At least one representative from all the organizations of the alliance will be elected in the Working Committee of the Janapada Sabha as far as possible. The General Assembly of the District will elect two representatives to the Regional General Assembly. The General Assembly of District will elect 01 representative for the General Assembly of the respective State Unit of the Alliance by consensus or by a two-thirds majority.


8.9.21. Composition of Executive Committee of Regional Level The Regional Assembly Unit will have 2 Houses of General Assembly. The first will be called the District House, the second as the State  House. If there are one or more states in the Regional area, the District House will have one representative from all the districts, the State House will have two representatives each from all the states. If there is not even a single state unit in Regional area, there will be only District House and there will be no State house in the Regional Assembly. The General Assembly of the Regional Unit will elect a president to the Working Committee of the Regional Assembly unanimously or with a two-thirds majority. The Working Committee will have at least 5 members and a maximum of 17 members. The President of the Region will tentatively nominate the members of the Regional Assembly Working Committee from among the elected members of the General Assembly. Finally, the office bearers of the Working Committee of the Region will be elected by the General Assembly. At least one representative will be elected from all the organizations of the alliance in the Working Committee of the Region as far as possible. The Regional Assembly will unanimously or with a two-thirds majority elect 01 representative to the Central General Assembly of the alliance.


8.9.22. Composition of Executive Committee of Central Level The General Assemblies of the Indian units of National, Hemi-national, Homeland Level Affairs and the units Country and Region shall elect delegates for the General Assembly of Central unit.  Total number of delegates from each vertical level will be same. The General Assembly of Regional Level unit will not send more than one delegate to Central Unit. Total number of delegates from each vertical level will be same. Total number of regional units will be the total number of the delegates to be sent for the General Assembly of Central unit. The total number of the regional units will be the number of delegates to be sent from the country unit and of Indian Units for National, Hemi-national, and Homeland Level Affairs. In the matter of numbers of delegates to be elected for the central unit from each vertical governing units of the Alliance, the decision of Central Executive Committee will be final. The General Assembly of the central unit shall elect an Executive Committee of the Central unit consisting of not less than 16 Members and shall also elect a President. The President of country shall appoint the office bearers amongst the elected delegates representing various vertical governing units of the Alliance. In order to run the Regional, district and Block units as per the motherhood principles, as per the provisions of the constitution, rules, regulations, policy and strategy of the alliance; the central unit will nominate one competent and gentle person as In-charge for all Regional Units separately to guide the President of Regional Unit.


8.10.1.    For its shared economic and political interests and its economic and spiritual advancement, the national unit will work to make all people all over the world aware, organize, legislate and conclude necessary international treaties to recognize their global political and economic rights and to enhance those rights.

8.10.2.    The national unit will work to make aware of the economic progress of its family and the shared economic interests of the families, to enact laws and to conclude necessary international treaties and to organize the families of the entire nation.

8.10.3.    The Watani Working Committee will work to organize, enact laws and conclude necessary international treaties for organizing, enacting laws and conducting necessary international treaties for all villages/wards of the country for their shared economic interests and development of their villages/wards.

8.10.4. The Working Committee of the country will work to organize circle committees across the country to fight for the economic development and enhancement of political rights in their region and to make laws.

8.10.5. The Working Committees of the State will work to organize and sensitize the Assembly Committees for the economic development of their respective State Assemblies.

8.10.6. Regional committees will work to firmly implement the Constitution of the Organization of Committees of The Districts of their respective regions and the orders of the Central Committee in their respective districts.

8.10.7.    The Alliance shall abide by the policy of Dwaitadwait (Monodualism) i.e, unity in diversity. To satisfy the super-national collective interests, collective and common problems the various vertical executive committees of governing levels will work at super-national level. These problems may pertain to collective culture, civilization, nationality, economy, polity, legislature, judiciary and government.

8.10.8.    The Central Executive Committee of the Alliance will have the right to formulate the rules regarding internal democracy, various types of membership, organizational elections of office bearers, term and conditions and rights and duties of Members and office bearers and disciplinary actions thereon, amendment in constitution of the Alliance, dissolution and division of various organs of the Alliance, dissolution and division of the Alliance itself.

8.10.9.    Executive Committees of each level will have the right to introduce any bill in the respective general assembly, constitute the office secretariat under the financial limitations made by the general assembly, use the salaries, allowances, facilities, pension, reward; determined by the general assembly, give benefit to ones enterprises, institutions, organizations under the circumference of the code of conduct decided by the general assembly.

8.10.10.  Members of the executive committee will full earnestly enforce the methods formulated by the general assembly.

8.10.11.  Members of the executive Committee, as for as possible do such work, which may not be cancelled for being illegal by the judicial council of the Alliance.

8.10.12.  The Members of the Board and Bureau of the Executive Committees will keep mutual relations only through the authorized office bearer of Horizontal Governing Council/President/Secretary General of the respective committee.

8.10.13.  The five vertical Governing  executive committees of the GAPP will have right to perform their functions by political manner, non-political manner or get the work done by various units of cells, fronts, operations, campaigns or by the conducted, affiliated or authorized organizations of the Alliance.

8.10.14.  The Director General of the Recruitment Council of the Central executive committee will be entitled to recruit any office bearer of the Alliance at any level in any organ or sub-organ of the Alliance for the augmentation of the activities of the Alliance where the Recruitment Council is not constituted due to the scarcity of the fund and man power as per the provisions of the constitution of the Alliance.

8.10.15.  The Central Executive Committee will have right to create new posts in the Alliance organization or to repeal the present posts from the Alliance organization.


8.11.1.    President will have right to utilize the Members of the Alliance for spreading its political ideology to the extent where the judicial council feels no any objection.

8.11.2.    President will have right to use the fund of the treasury of the Alliance pertaining to its jurisdiction.

8.11.3.    President will have the right to strengthen its personal economic status by the rewards given by people for its public deeds.

8.11.4.    It will be the duty of the President of various vertical levels to act considering the aspirations of the Developmental General Assembly, DGA in personal consumptions, the aspirations of the Legislative General Assembly, LGA and of the judicial council in spreading its political ideology.

8.11.5.    The rights and duties of the First Vice President will be same as the rights and duties of the President.


8.12.1.    Second Vice President will have right to raise its own economic capacity and social status through the legitimate use of the Members of the Alliance. the Member Organization will have right to utilize the Members of the organization in order to spread ones enterprises to the extent where the judicial council of the Alliance would have no objection.

8.12.2.    Second Vice President will have right to consume and enjoy the organizational power under the limit fixed by the legislative general assembly.

8.12.3.    It will be the duty of the Second Vice President of various vertical levels to act considering the aspirations of the Legislative General Assembly, LGA  in personal consumptions, the aspirations of the Developmental General Assembly, DGA  in its industrial growth, aspirations of the judicial council and the manager in the  organizational interest.

8.12.4.    The Second vice president will be responsible to manage funds and economic resources to perform the activities and programs of the Alliance.


There will be a central parliamentary council of the Alliance to decide the directions regarding legislative works to be performed by the people’s representatives related to the Alliance.
there will be a central parliamentary council of the Alliance. This council will be constituted by the central executive committee of the Alliance. This council will regulate and co-ordinate the legislative functions and activities of the representatives of the Alliance present in the legislatures of the various vertical levels like in the province(s) and in the country(s) etc.
9.2. Organization and Procedure of the Parliamentary Council
9.2.1. Parliamentary council of the Alliance will be constituted as far as possible on that every vertical level where any legislature exists and there will be a provision for elections to recruit the representatives in said legislature. these units will be called the vertical parliamentary councils of the Alliance.
9.2.2. Every vertical council will be directed by its higher parliamentary council and will be guided by the central council while formulating directions for its concerned representatives of the people.
9.2.3. Any policy, rule and order made by any vertical parliamentary council will be null and void to the extent where they violate the policies and rules of the central council of the Alliance or any higher parliamentary council.
9.3.1. there will be minimum 3 and maximum 11 member including the central First Vice President of the Alliance in the Central Parliamentary Council of the Alliance. One representative of higher council will be ex-officio member of the lower council to convey the directions of the higher council to the lower one.
9.3.2. Only one parliamentary council will function in one province or in one country, then all the presidents of councils of provinces or countries will jointly elect their representative to be sent to the central parliamentary council. the Member should be at least the member of any country/state level executive committee and should also be experienced to work constructively with the president of his/her executive committee.
9.3.3. the representatives of the parliamentary council sent to the Central Parliamentary Council through the method mentioned above, will appoint the First Vice President for that parliamentary council.
9.3.4. there will be minimum three member in the parliamentary council of the country. their maximum number will be equal to the number of provinces in the country.
9.3.5. there will be minimum three member in the parliamentary council of the province. their maximum number will be 7.
9.3.6. Number of member organizations of the parliamentary councils of various levels can be increased or reduced by the permission of the president of the central parliamentary council.
9.3.7. the president of the executive committee of the respective vertical level will be the ex-officio president of the parliamentary councils of the concerned level.
9.3.8. the leader of the parliamentary the Alliance will be the ex officio member of the parliamentary council of the respective level.
9.3.9. the recruitment of the rest of member of the council will be done in the first meeting of the executive committee of the respective vertical level just after the formation of the committee.





there will be an Election Authority of the Alliance, which shall conduct free, fair and confidential elections to recruit those office bearers of various levels of the organization of the Alliance where election is mandatory. All the apex level committees and representative bodies of the Alliance will be constituted through democratic election process. Nomination of member organizations of such bodies, if at all provided, should be restricted to a minimum scale, not exceeding 1/3rd of the strength of the committee/body. No office will be hereditary or held permanently.
10.1.1. the Election Authority will open its branches at each and every vertical level of the Alliance organization. the vertical branches will conduct the elections for recruitment of office bearers of its level.
10.1.2. Any member of the Election Authority will not be entitled to become the member of the Election Authority of its home village/block/district/province.
10.1.3. the National Executive Committee of the Alliance will appoint the president and member of the Election Authority of the level of Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs. At this level there will be 15 Member in the authority.
10.1.4. the Executive Committee of Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs will formulate direction time-to-time and codes of conduct to conduct the election Freely, confidentially, and impartially. the right to formulate such code of conduct will be with all the election authorities of the Alliance, situated vertically; but such directions and codes of conduct formulated by subordinate authorities will be null and void, to the extent they violate any direction or code of conduct of any higher election authority,
10.1.5. the term of member of election authority will be minimum 1 year and maximum 4 Years on completing the term once, any member or president can be re-appointed for the second term to derive the advantage of higher experience.
10.1.6. No member of any election authority except the president, will be the member any executive committee of the Alliance. To become the member of any such committee, the Member Organization will be required to have left the member ship of the election authority before at least 6 months. the president will also be separated from the executive committee after sometimes, when the Central Executive Committee will decide.
10.1.7. the vertically situated higher election authority can remove any president or member of one’s subordinate authority after giving notice for explanation to the accused, the person/organization thus removed will have right to appeal to the higher authority than the removing one. But in no way the Member will have the right for the second appeal.
10.1.8. No member or president will have right to get his work done by any other person. the authority can appoint or nominate some officers and staff to work collectively.

10.2.1. the commencement of the process of any election will be by preparation of electors’ list of the concerned Electoral College. This work will be performed by the election authority of concerned level.
10.2.2. the rules regarding registration of new names in the electoral list, or continuity of the already registered names or removal of the names from the said list will be the same as formulated by the Election Authority of the concerned level and sanctioned by the Election Authority of higher level.
10.2.3. the second step of the election will be the notification of said election. This notification will be issued by the competent election authority after sanction by the higher election authority. the detailed program of election will be declared in this notification.
10.2.4. In the third phase, nomination forms, legal verification of such nomination forms, the final list of participating candidates will be announced.
10.2.5. In the fourth phase, the election will be held according to the declared process.
10.2.6. After completion of polling there will be counting of votes and then declaration of result.
10.3.1. the competent election authority will announce and publicize the place, methods, date and time of the election before at least 16 days, prior to the date of election.

10.3.2. For election, every election authority will prepare the per-forma of nomination forms for ones subordinate level. According to this per-forma only the nomination form will be submitted by the candidate oneself or by ones representative in presence of the competent election officer, on the date of nomination. On the next day the nomination forms will be verified before the candidates or before their representatives.
10.3.3. the names can be withdrawn as per the declared date and proceeding by the authority.
10.3.4. When the final list of the election candidates will be prepared after withdrawal of names then this list will be published in the shape of ballet paper by the authority. This ballet paper will be pasted on the door of election booth on the date of election, through which the voters will enter for voting.
10.3.5. the related authority will manage to ensure secrecy of voting, security of voters and impartiality of voting, they will adopt proper measures to regulate member of voters in the polling booth, to keep the supporters of the candidate at proper distance, to appoint the election agents of candidate on the spot of voting and for general security.
10.3.6. the related election authority will announce the impartial process of voting in case it is done through raising hand, or through any electronic medium, in its election notification.
10.3.7. Voting can be done through any electronic machine too, instead of the ballot paper, provided the authority adopting such process, should inform the higher election authority and get its sanction for the method ensuring secrecy and impartiality of election.
10.3.8. the authority will dispatch the sealed voting boxes after the completion of polling to the spot decided by the higher election authority. the elected candidate will be delivered such certificate by the authority.
10.4.1. the voting boxes will be opened before the agents authorized by the candidates. Votes will be counted according to the fixed procedure. Number of vote obtained by the candidate will be announced and published by the authority.
10.4.2. the candidate fulfilling the fixed qualification essential to get elected will be declared elected by the concerned election officer and such certificate will be delivered to the elected candidate by the authority.
10.4.3. the related election authority will announce the impartial process of voting in case it is done through raising hand, or through any electronic medium, in its election notification.
10.5. Clauses regarding settlement related electoral disputes.
10.5.1. the electoral disputes will be settled by the judicial authority of the Alliance and /or by the law graduates of the university education and training centre and professional experts of legal practice recognized by the election authority of and authorized by the Alliance.
10.5.2. the petitioner can submit its petition within 5 days after the declaration of election result before the parallel judicial authority, personally or through ones advocate or can send through post.
10.5.3. the experts of legal practice will settle the petitions regarding election within 5 days.
10.5.4. the experts of legal practice, as far as possible will adopt the same process for settlement of the petitions regarding election, which is mentioned in the concerned clause, about the disciplinary action.
10.5.5. the Alliance dissatisfied with the decision of the first experts of legal practice of the judicial authority will have right to appeal to the court of the experts of legal practice recognized by higher judicial authority. Petition of appeal will be submitted within a week after the decision of the initial court, at the time of hearing of the petition of appeal the petitioner can be asked to be present before the experts of legal practice but at the time of its presence before the court, no advocate be allowed to enter.
10.5.6. No petitioner will have right for the second appeal in the case of election petitions.
10.5.7. Till the higher judicial authorities and election authorities are not constituted on country level, the petition challenging the election of office bearer, of country level executive committee and General Assembly will be selected by experts of legal practices recognized by the central election authority and central judicial authority constituted by the central authority, the petitioner will have no right to appeal in the cases of such matters.
10.5.8. the petitions challenging the election of member of the Central Executive Committee and the central General Assembly will be settled by the experts of legal practices recognized by the central judicial authority. the petitioner can appeal, against the decision of the experts of legal practice, obtained before the central executive committee. To accept any such petition it will be essential that at least 10% member of the executive committee should recommend so to the president or vice. President of the executive committee will be regarded as the settlement of the appeal. the decision of two third majorities will be treated as the final decision of appeal.
10.6.1. In case of death, resignation or removal of any office bearer or member of any organ of the Alliance will be regarded as vacant.
10.6.2. Any person can be recruited on the vacant posts by the president of the vertical higher executive committee. But such recruitment will be valid for only 6 months. After six months that post will be filled only by that process, which is provided in the constitution.



there will be a central Candidate Selection Council of the Alliance to select the names of the candidates, authorized by the Alliance. These candidates will contest election from various constituencies of various levels on the code and symbol of particular political member or on the symbol of the political unit of the Alliance Itself, in the elections to be conducted for the recruitment of peoples’ representatives, in the various legislatures of different vertical levels. Its executive head will be called the president.


11.1.1. the Central First Vice President of the Alliance will be the ex-officio In charge of the Central Election Candidates Selection Council, in short Central ECSC of the Alliance.
11.1.2. the presidents of the parliamentary councils of the various units present on the vertical upper levels of the Alliance will be the ex-officio presidents of the selection councils of the Alliance.
11.1.3. Election Candidate Selection Council will be constituted by all the member organizations of the selection Council of the concerned unit, and by some other Member Organizations. they will be called Area Expert Member.
11.1.4. Recruitment of Area Expert Member will be done amongst the member organizations of the general assembly. the members of Area Expert of the Alliance in any selection council will be minimum 2 and maximum Ten.
11.1.5. While selecting the member organizations of Candidate Selection Council it will be kept in consideration that the person will have knowledge of organizational affairs, and will acquainted with the public sentiments of the area.
11.1.6. Recruitment of the Area Expert Member will be done by election process. In which the member organizations of the General Assembly of the concerned unit can file the nomination as candidates. Election will be conducted by the election authority of the concerned unit. the process of election will be decided by the election authority of the Alliance.
11.1.7. Till the selection council is not legally constituted for any unit, or the council is not active, the upper selection council will perform the function of the Selection Council through any ad-hoc committee constituted by it.

11.2.1. there will be a branch of Election Candidate Selection Council of the Alliance for every vertical level. these units will be called the vertical branches of the selection council.
11.2.2. Every Election Candidate Selection Council will recommend the names of the candidates for the election of various areas related to its own unit, to ones higher election council. For the purpose of winning the said election, for bringing the Alliance in the proper direction guided by the constitution and for strengthening the Alliance, the higher committee may order the subordinate election council to consider the same names/or may recommend other names instead of them. Thus the higher committee will prepare the final list of names of its level and send it to the central selection council. the final selection of the names will be done by the central selection council or by some committee or group authorized by it.
11.2.3. the process of selection of names will be a continuous process. the process for recommending and accepting the names can be initiated before maximum three years than the election of said constituency.
11.2.4. the selection council of the Alliance working in the area of that legislature or that constituency, which is reserved as per rule of the Alliance, for any other the Alliance or for any independent candidate, will send the final list of names of candidates along with the name of concerned the Alliance or name of independents; as if they are the candidates of own the Alliance.
11.2.5. the work of evolving the transparent and objective process of selection of names will also have to be done by the candidate selection council, which will be effective after the sanction from the central unit council.
There will be a judicial council of the Alliance to watch whether the executive committee is functioning as per the constitution of the Alliance or not and to settle any judicial petition submitted against any assembly, or committee, or against any member organization of the Alliance. the executive head of the central judicial council will be called the Central president of the judicial council.
12.1.1. President of the Central Judicial Council will be the member of the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance. Who will evolve the measures with the spirit of constitution of the Alliance related to its procedure of constitution of the council, procedure of business, training and recognition of advocates, registration of petitions and procedures of trail thereof and enforcing judicial orders etc.
12.1.2. the president of executive committee of respective level will nominate a person as the Member of Judicial Council. To be appointed as a member of the judicial council a person will be expected to have knowledge of Global Agreement on Peace and Participation, GAPP constitution and who has also studied the social utility of various provisions of the constitution.
12.1.3. there will be one president and two members in the judicial council of the GAPP Alliance. Who will take the decision by majority or the president will take such decision by ones conscience, provided both the members authorize the Member to do so. the council have to give its judgment within six months after the registration of the petition, or within even less period. the council can fix maximum two dates for hearing for the decision. An appeal can be made against the judgment before the Upper Unit of the Council. Second appeal will be made in the national council, decision of which will be final.
12.1.4. Any decision given by the judicial council can be criticized and discussed with a view to its educational significance in the advocate council; but if the decision is changed by the two third majority of the advocate council only then the decision of the judicial council will be regarded as amended.
12.1.5. the number of member of the advocate council will be equal to the number of member of the legislative assembly. Membership of the advocate council will be approved by the president of respective level. Membership of the advocate council will be decided on the basis of a merit list of member, which will produce their certificate of having authorized in maximum disputes. Term of the member will be 4 Years.
12.1.6. the main function of the advocate council will be to formulate bills for the necessary amendment in the constitution of the Alliance, criticize the decisions given by the judicial council, on private level or in the council, give legal advice to the executive committee through the judicial council according to the requirements of the general assembly, to become an applicant for appointment in the judicial council; to give services on charge after being appointed with some specific purpose by the executive committee, by general assembly, by Legislative General Assembly, LGA or by Developmental General Assembly, DGA and to criticize any bill passed by General Assembly privately or on council level.
12.2. Experts of legal practices of judicial council
12.2.1. there will be some universities/institutes conducted or authorized by the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance for the systematic training of the principles, theories, policies and rules of the Alliance. Specialists having certificates from these institutions and recognized by the vertical executive committees, will work as the professional experts of legal practices in the judicial authorities of the Alliance.
12.2.2. the petitioners will be given right to authorize that experts of legal practice only to issue judgment who is expected to be judicious by nature, to deliver judgment in cheaper cost and sooner and in order to make the judgments cheaper, rapid and judicious.
12.2.3. Every recognized experts of legal practice/magistrate will be expected to keep the expenditure in the judicial process so much least that may be enough to earn normal livelihood so that people may be inspired to submit maximum petition to its court. Every experts of legal practice will inform while writing his verdict the cost of judicial proceedings and deposit 10% of that amount in the fund of the GAPP’s respective level. the recognition may be withdrawn of the experts of legal practice who would fail to deposit this money in the Alliance fund. Recognition can also be withdrawn of that experts of legal practice too who will be found giving decision favorably with a view to some body’s private interest .
12.2.4. the experts of legal practices of the judicial councils of the country, of the Homeland/Indian Unit for Homeland level Affairs, for Hemi-national Level Affairs and for the National Level Affairs will not have the right to take service fees from the prosecutor or the dependant. the executive committee of the concerned level or its higher executive committee will manage to provide the honorarium for their subsistence.
12.3.1. Every experts of legal practice will send a copy of his verdict to the higher judicial council of the Alliance. After receiving the copy of the verdict the higher council will implement the verdict through respective executive committee.
12.3.2. The concerned executive committee will order one’s subordinate executive committee to implement the verdict thus received from any judicial authority within 15 days and ensure the enforcement of the said order.
12.4.1. Till the judicial education centers of the Alliance and authorized universities and trained experts of legal practices and advocates do not come into existence; the First Vice Presidents of the vertical executive committees of the Alliance will be regarded as the ex-officio experts of legal practices of judicial council of the concerned level.
12.4.2. the right to take disciplinary action against the president of the executive committee, Second Vice President First Vice President and secretary general will be with the judicial authority of that very level. the accused will have right to appeal only once to the higher level.
Tthere will be an organ of the Alliance for recruitment of the adequate persons on the posts of functionaries of the Alliance on various levels, where election is not required for recruitment. This organ will be called the Public Service Recruiting Council. the executive head of the central Recruitment Council will be called Director General- Recruitment Council. One member of the Central Executive Committee will be the ex-officio Director General of the recruitment council.
13.1.1. the executive heads of the Recruitment Council will be called the Recruitment Director of the concerned vertical level in brief.

13.1.2. the Central Executive Committee will nominate any such a person as a Director of Recruitment Council of the Executive Committee of Nation/Indian Unit for national level Affairs of the Alliance who knows the constitution, mission and philosophy of the Alliance and who have knowledge and experience of the ethical and practical aspects of the organizational science.
13.1.3. Director of Recruitment Council of the Executive Committee of Nation/Indian Unit for national level Affairs will nominate the Recruitment Directors of both the executives of the Indian Unit of Hemi-national level Affairs units on the advice of the First Vice President of the Executive Committee of own committee.
13.1.4. Director of Recruitment Council of the Executive Committee of Nation/Indian Unit for national level Affairs will nominate the Recruitment Directors of the executives of the Indian Unit for Watan (Homeland) Level Affairs on the advice of the First Vice President of the unit of Indian Unit for the Hemi-national Level affairs.
13.1.5. Director of Recruitment Council of the Executive Committee of Nation/Indian Unit for national level Affairs will nominate the Recruitment Directors of the executives of the country on the advice of the First Vice President of the Indian Unit for Watan (Homeland) Level Affairs.
13.1.6. Director of Recruitment Council of the country will nominate the Recruitment Directors of the executives of the provinces on the advice of the First Vice President of the country level.
13.1.7. the Director General of the Recruitment Council of the Central executive committee will be entitled to authorize any office bearer of the Alliance as in charge to recruit the people as member and as specified office bearer of the specified organ or sub-organ at specified level of the Alliance organization.
13.2.1. Recruitment Council will ensure as per the provisions of the constitution the posts of the Alliance should be filled by the proper persons having adequate type of caliber in adequate amount for the said post.
13.2.2. the council will evolve the resolution of useful mechanism to perform its functions and implement them after getting approval by the general assembly of concerned level.
13.2.3. the office bearers of the Alliance will have right to recommend any person to recruit on any post of the Alliance, but such recruitment made by such recommendation will be interim till having the sanction of the Recruitment Council.
13.2.4. the Recruitment Council may get co-operation of some technical persons, organizations, trusts, firms and companies to perform its functions; or the Council may authorize such persons on institutions for performing some special functions.
13.2.5. Central Executive Committee will ensure that the Recruitment Council could be able to work as an autonomous body of the Alliance.
13.2.6. Branches of Recruitment Council will be opened right from the block level to the world level committees of the Alliance. the respective branch of the Recruitment Council will be constituted on the each and every level of organization of the Alliance where any executive committee is constituted.
13.2.7. the directors of the Recruitment Council will have a well equipped Directorate, established by law for which arrangement of funds will be done as for as possible by the council itself. the higher executive committee of the respective level will try as for as possible that the Recruitment Council should not face dearth of resources.
13.2.8. the details of the posts for which the council will evolve proposal of recruitment according to the Alliance constitution and will get approval from the concerned General Assembly are as follows:

  1. Recruitment of Zero Member Organizations
  2. Recruitment of Preliminary Member Organizations
  3. Recruitment of Active Member Organizations
  4. Recruitment of Voter Councilors
  5. Recruitment of Member organizations of General Assembly
  6. Recruitment of Member organizations of Executive Committees
  7. Recruitment of Presidents
  8. Recruitment of First Vice Presidents
  9. Recruitment of Second Vice President
  10. Recruitment of Assistant First Vice President
  11. Recruitment of Assistant Second Vice President
  12. Recruitment of Horizontal Vice President (Mind Power)
  13. Recruitment of Vertical Vice President (Mind Power)
  14. Recruitment of Sec. Generals
  15. Recruitment of Secretaries
  16. Recruitment of Lawyers
  17. Recruitment of Experts of legal practices
  18. Recruitment of Alliance Spokesmen
  19. Recruitment of Officers
  20. Recruitment of officials
  21. Recruitment of Security Directors
  22. Recruitment of Recruitment Directors
  23. Recruitment of Presidents of Candidate Selection Councils
  24. Recruitment of Treasurer of Alliance Fund

13.2.9. Recruitment Council will prepare the proposal of proceedings and will get it approved by General Assembly related to starting new unit/organ or sub organ to the Alliance at all levels or at specified level of the Alliance organization or to dissolve an organ or sub-organ at all levels or at specified level of the Alliance organization .
13.2.10. Recruitment Council will prepare the proposal of proceedings and will get it approved by General Assembly to conduct, to affiliate, to authorize new organizations/trusts/firms/companies with the Alliance.
13.2.11. Recruitment Council of any level of the Alliance will consider the applications received to affiliate or to authorize new organizations/trusts/firms/companies with the Alliance. Such applications will be sent along with the recommendations to the higher level Recruitment Council for approval or for sending the said application at appropriate level of Recruitment Council for approval.

the Coordinating Council will be constituted to mediate between the First and Second Vice presidents of the executive committees of the Alliance and to mediate between two executive committees of the Alliance situated each other at vertically and horizontally. there will be two classes of Coordinating Councils. One will be called ‘Vertical Coordinating Council’ in short ‘VCC’ and the second will be called ‘Horizontal Coordinating Council’ in short ‘HCC’. Executive head of the VCC will be called ‘Filament Coordinator-Vertical’ and executive head of the HCC will be called ‘Filament Coordinator-Horizontal’. Alliance will co-ordinate and filament between two opponent representative ideologies, between two mutually hostile sects, and between two conflicting communities through these very councils. Alliance will get bilateral and multilateral agreements; contracts and treaties evolved through these coordination councils and will get it ratified by the two or more concerned parties from time to time.
14.1.1. the Coordinating Council constituted for vertically mediation and filament between the two vertical executive committees of the Alliance will be called the Vertical Coordinating Councils.
14.1.2. The vertical council head situated between the units of states and county committee will be called Fourth Filament Coordinator-Vertical, vertical Council head situated between the units of countries and Homeland will be called Third Filament Coordinator-Vertical, vertical council head situated between units of Homeland and Hemi-nation/Indian Unit for Hemi-national Level Affairs will be called Second Filament Coordinator-Vertical and the vertical council head situated between the units Hemi-nation/Indian Unit for Hemi-national Level Affairs and Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs will be called First Filament Coordinator-Vertical. The council heads situated between Central and national executive Committees will be called National Filament Coordinator.
14.2. Horizontal Coordinating Councils (HCC)
14.2.1. the Coordinating Council constituted to mediate and filament between the two horizontal executive committees and units will be called Horizontal Coordinating Councils (HCC).
14.2.2. the parallel council heads situated between the units of executive committees of the two provinces will be called Provincial Filament Coordinator-Horizontal, council heads situated between executive committees of the two countries will be called Country Filament Coordinator-Horizontal, council heads situated between executive committees of two Homelands will be called Homeland Filament Coordinator-Horizontal and council heads situated between two Hemi-nations will be called Hemi-national Filament Coordinator-Horizontal.
14.3.1. After the registration of the Alliance, the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance will make bye laws regarding the constitution of Coordinating Councils, in tune with the spirit of the Alliance constitution. While formulating bye laws it will be considered that the bye laws and proceeding should be able to eliminate the conflict between the horizontal and vertical executive committees peacefully instead of violence.
14.3.2. To become the head of the Coordinating Council the applicant should have an excellent capacity of expression in speech and writing. One has to submit one’s details regarding qualification expected for the said office etc. the Member Organization will have to state as to which two communities are the subjects of his study and experience about their sentiments, what are the main points of conflict between the two communities and which strategy would apply to avoid or eliminate the violent conflict etc.
14.3.3. Posting of the Filament Coordinator-Horizontals for horizontal mediation between two parallel executive committees will be done by the Central Executive Committee or by any other body authorized by it on the advice of by-lateral or multilateral consent of concerned committees.
14.3.4. No person will be made the head of Coordinating Councils who had no certificate of related qualification, issued by that institute which is authorized for certification by the Alliance.
14.4.1. Every executive committee will establish dialogue with ones neighboring executive committee only through these inter-executive Coordinating Councils.
14.4.2. the council head establishing bilateral or multilateral dialogue between provinces will work under the vertical council situated between the levels of provinces and country. Likewise, all the councils doing mediation between countries will be sub-ordinate to council situated between the levels of countries and Homeland/Indian Unit for Homeland Level Affairs. Councils making bilateral or multilateral dialogue between the council of the Indian Committees for Homeland Level Affairs/Homeland will be sub-ordinate to the vertical council situated between the levels of Indian Committees for Homeland and Hemi-nation Level Affairs. Councils making bilateral or multilateral dialogue between the council of the Indian Committees for Hemi-nation Level Affairs will be sub-ordinate to the vertical council situated between the levels of Indian Committees for Hemi-nation and nation Level Affairs.
Alliance will constitute an organ to keep the accurate records of income and expenditure of the Alliance and to keep records of certificates issued against donations, debts, services received by the Alliance either in cash or in kind. This unit will be called Alliance Fund, in short the Alliance fund or Alliance Fund.
15.1. Constitution of Alliance Fund
15.1.1. the executive head of the Alliance Fund will be called managing director and the executive heads of the branches of the fund will be called managers.
15.1.2. the Central Executive Committee will appoint such a person as the manager of the Alliance Fund of the unit of the Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs, who will have knowledge and experience of the theoretical and practical aspects of fund collection, banking, accounting and audit.
15.1.3. Central Executive Committee or any other body authorized by it will have right to formulate rules regarding compulsion for some or all office bearers of the Alliance for opening account in the Alliance Fund.
15.2. Function of the Alliance Fund
15.2.1. Fund will develop the medium of mutual exchange among the Alliance Member Organizations. Alliance will pay through this medium to the debt on the Alliance, to office bearers, to member organizations and to staff who are recruited in the Alliance on the condition of conditional remuneration and refund.
15.2.2. Alliance will manage funds to fulfill the judicious interests of that class of the society which is having no financial capacity of paying regularly for their political interests. Alliance will give a device of exchange medium recognized by the Alliance to donors and loan provider in lieu of loans and grants received by the Alliance.
15.2.3. Alliance will recognize any such exchange medium evolved by any trust or by any forum by any non political and para political organizations, by any fronts or federations working at country level or at level of Homeland, hemi-nation and National level to develop collective force of maximum people outside of the Alliance who are working for the similar objectives.
15.2.4. Alliance will open the branches of the Alliance fund unto block level to the National level to facilitate availability of the domestic exchange medium developed by the Alliance or the exchange medium recognized by the Alliance on the local level. these local branches will be called the branches of the Alliance fund.
15.2.5. Alliance will work with full earnestness so that the government should pay back the amount with the interest minimum double than common financers. For this purpose it will transparently promised to the financers through the said exchange medium developed or recognized by the Alliance. So that the expenditure occurred for fulfilling the objectives of the Alliance should be charged on the very recipients of the economic advantages who are benefited by fulfilling the Alliance objectives.
15.2.6. In order to keep accounts of income and expenditure systematically and easily; the Alliance will regulate its economic activities in such a way, so that any economic transaction with the Alliance could be done only through the medium of local branches of Alliance Fund. the receipts against sum withdrawn from the Alliance fund and expended in favor of the Alliance should also be issued through the medium of these branches; so that a transparent system of transaction could be developed in the political sphere.
15.2.7. Alliance Fund will prepare the proposal of useful methods to perform its functions and implement them after getting sanctioned by the general assembly.
15.2.8. Alliance Fund can solicit co-operation from some technical persons, organizations, trusts, firms and companies or authorize them to perform some of its special functions.
15.2.9. the Central Executive Committee will be responsible to ensure that the Alliance Fund should work as an autonomous body.
15.2.10. Where any executive committee will be constituted the related branch of the Alliance fund will be necessarily constituted.
15.2.11. the Managers of Alliance Fund will have a well equipped and legally established office for which arrangements of resources will be done as for as possible by the higher executive committee of the respective level. It will attempt that the fund should not face any dearth of reserves.
15.2.12. Alliance must utilize the Alliance funds for its activities and get its accounts audited during each financial year by Auditor on the panel of CAG and submit its copy to the income tax department of the government of the concerned country after the end of each financial year.


Security Council
there will be a body of the Alliance to ensure security of the life, liberty and property of the office bearers and members of member organizations of the Alliance. This body will be called Security Council. the chief executive of the central Security Council will be called the Director General of the Security Council.

16.1.1. Central Executive Committee will appoint any such a member of its General Assembly as the director General of Security Council of the central committee who will have the theoretical and practical knowledge and experience of the internal and external security, Intelligence and information of organizational structure of security forces.
16.1.2. the First Vice President of the Central Executive Committee will appoint the director of the Security Council of Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs, on the advice of the First Vice President of the same level.
16.1.3. Appointments of the directors of Security Council on every vertical level of the Alliance will be made by the director posted at upper level with the advice of the First Vice President of the respective level.
16.2.1. Security Council will open its branches on every vertical level of the Alliance, through which it will carry on its responsibilities.
16.2.2. Security Council will form a systematic organization of private security guards and have useful relations with other organizations, agencies and companies operating private security services.
16.2.3. the Security Council will formulate its methods in such a manner that the persons imbibed with national spirit, bravery and competent to work in the Security Council.
16.2.4. Information of the verdicts taken by the experts of legal practices of the judicial council will be sent to the concerned parties through the medium of the concerned branch of the Security Council.
16.2.5. Security Council of the Alliance will co-operate with the government, administration and police in exchange of information regarding security of the Alliance workers and preventing crimes.
there will be a body of the Alliance to disseminate and propagate the policies, rules and regulations, programs, objectives, decision, etc with proper manner and in correct words, which will be called the Mass Communication Council. Its central executive head will be called the Central Spokesman. One member of Central Executive Council will be the ex-officio central spokesman.
17.1.1. the Central Executive Committee will appoint such person as a spokesman of the Mass Communication Council of the National Executive Committee who has understanding of the constitution, policies and philosophy of the Alliance. He should have experience to work in the print, social and electronic media, should have knowledge and experience of theoretical and practical aspects of the information technology and should be the master of expression and argument.
17.1.2. Spokesmen of the Mass Communication Council of every vertical level of the Alliance will be appointed by the spokesman of the Mass Communication Council of higher level on the advice of the First Vice President of the respective level.
17.2.1. Mass Communication Council will utilize the modern technology of the audio-visual media, print media, multimedia, social media etc. to perform its functions. For this purpose the council will run some newspapers, periodicals, radio station and T.V. channels, etc. and have co-operation and affiliation with some running media institutions and will also authorize some others for some specific programs.
17.2.2. Mass Communication Council will work to extend the friendly relations of the Alliance with those journalists, columnists, editors and owners of the media institutions who inculcate the thoughts in society useful for all.
17.2.3. It will also be the function of Mass Communication Council to convey the expectation of the common people to the office bearers and executive committees of the Alliance and influence the decision of executive committees of various levels of the Alliance to that extent where the constitution of the Alliance permits and discipline is maintained.
17.2.4. According to the spirit of the Alliance constitution and keeping itself under its provision the Mass Communication Council will have right to inspire the vertical executive committees and office bearers of various levels by criticizing the work according to the expectations of their post or unit.
17.2.5. In order to make the Mass Communication Council autonomous, the member organizations of the Alliance would like to purchase the products and services produced by the council. Executive committees of the Alliance will try that the Mass Communication Council should not feel dearth of resources.
17.2.6. Vertical units of the Mass Communication Council will be there right from block level to the top level.


There will be some bodies operated by the Alliance with the objectives to prevent the growth of problems immerged recently in society and to reduce and eliminate ultimately the politico-economic problems prevailing since long. these bodies will be operated with the objective to protect the judicious interests of the various communities of society, to empower various communities existing in society on the basis on representative thoughts. these bodies will be called the sub organs of the Alliance. the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance will have right to formulate methods regarding the relations between such bodies and executive committees of various level of the Alliance. the Central Executive Committee will frame rules for the participation of Cells and Fronts in the process of legislation and execution of the Alliance.
18.1.1. the Alliance will create and operate some bodies along with the various vertical executive committees of the Alliance with the objectives to prevent, to reduce and to eliminate ultimately the problems prevailing since long. these sub-organs will be called the Cells of the Alliance. the nomenclature of these cells will be made as an adjective added for related problem or need. Such as Disparity Control Cell, Environment Preservation Cell, Membership Cell etc. the cells will be the unit of the Alliance conducted by itself to perform various permanent programs and activities of the Alliance.
18.1.2. there will be some frontal organizations of the Alliance to protect and to nourish the judicious interests of the various constituents of society by their organized struggle. these frontal organizations will be called the Fronts of the Alliance. Fronts will be named as adjective added with the related social and professional component of the Alliance. Frontal organizations will be parallel cadre of the Alliance organization constituted by the Alliance.
18.1.3. Some emergency sub-organs of the Alliance will be constituted for checking and for eliminating immediately the current problems, or constituted to face any instant challenge of the Alliance. these fronts will be called “operation of the Alliance”. they will be named adding the word “operation” with the concerned challenge. Such operations will be started at the time of some calamity or any emergent crisis, attack on the Alliance, at the time of any special campaign launched by the Alliance, etc. 18.2. FORMATION OF CELLS
18.2.1. the First Vice President of the central committee will be entitled to open cells of the Alliance on the recommendations of a vertical executive committee of the Alliance. On the approval of the Recruitment Council some of the member organizations of the General assembly of the Alliance will be nominated as the office bearer of the committee of the cell of said vertical level.
18.2.2. the number of nominated member organizations in the executive committees of the cells will be 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3 at the level of nation/ Nation/Indian Unit for nation Level Affairs, Hemi-nation/Indian Unit for Hemi-nation Level Affairs, Homeland/Homeland/Indian Unit for Homeland Level Affairs, country, state, district, block and ward/village respectively.
18.2.3. there will be an in-charge for every cell at each and every level, who will be the member of the General Assembly of the same level. Executive committee of the cell will work for creating methods and programs related to the jurisdiction of the cell and will take help from the Executive committee of the concerned level of the Alliance.
18.2.4. For the coordination between the vertical executive committees of the cell, it will be essential to the presidents of the subordinate executive committees to consult with the president of the higher executive committee of the concerned cell while nominating the president for constituting the executive committee.
18.2.5. For opening of a new cell of the Alliance a recommendation from any member of at least Regional level executive committee will be essential. All the higher executive committees will consider upon this recommendation and will send their respective reports along with the original recommendation letter to the First Vice President of central unit of the Alliance. the First Vice President will finally decide whether that cell should be opened or not. the central First Vice President of the Alliance can authorize any one president of the executive committees from among the vertical executive committees to take final decision at his own level.
18.2.6. the list of cells will be published as schedule 4 of the constitution of the Alliance.
18.3.1. Member organizations of the executive committee of the cell can collect funds to promote their mission by collecting contribution through conducting membership campaign or fund collection campaign. But all type of money will be accumulated through the receipt books of the Alliance which will be deposited in the related account of the Alliance.
18.3.2. the 75% amount of the total sum collected by the cell will be spent by the Central Executive Committee of the cell and 25% will be spent by the executive committee of the respective level of the Alliance.
18.3.3. Executive committee of the cell will give 25% amount received in its account to the higher executive committee of the Alliance as its contribution to the Alliance.
18.4.1. the proceedings of constitution of any cell of the Alliance will also be the proceeding of constitution of front. Some Member organizations may be recognized as the Front of the Alliance on the basis of written contract.
18.4.2. After getting permission from the First Vice President of the Central Committee of the Alliance, the formation of the front will be initiated by the First Vice President concerned unit. First Vice President of Central Committee will authorize a president of any executive committee from amongst the vertical executive committees for the constitution of fronts. This decision will taken keeping in view the geographical probabilities of the functions of the front.
18.4.3. After being authorized by the First Vice President of the Central Committee of the Alliance, the president of the respective level of executive committee will nominate the president of the front of their own level.
18.4.4. President of the front will nominate persons according to the work nature for one’s own executive committee and will constitute the subordinate executive committees of the front with co-operation of all the vertical executive committees of the Alliance.
18.4.5. All presidents of various vertical levels of the fronts will be member of the higher general Assembly of the Alliance.
Such organizations, trusts, religious communities, groups, bodies, firms, companies which fully or partially adopt and implement the objectives and programs of the Alliance but do not agree with the leadership of the Alliance; will be called the Associate Organizations of the Alliance working through their own organizational structure. Association of such organization will be made as per the proceedings given in Article-13.2.12.
Such organizations, trusts, religious communities, groups, bodies, firms, companies will be called “affiliated Organization, which fully or partially adopt and implement the objectives, programs and leadership of the Alliance, but use their own cadre and organizational structure to implement the programs. Affiliation of such organization will be made as per the proceedings given in Article-13.2.12.
20.1. Process to affiliation the organizations
20.1.1. To affiliate any organization with the Alliance an application has to be given to the president of that vertical level of executive committee with which the applicant organization is to be affiliated, according to the per-forma of application form provided in article 31.7 of the Alliance constitution.
20.1.2. Here, organization means a voluntary organization whether it is registered with the government or not and means trust, firm or company.
20.1.3. Receiving the application form for affiliation, if the president sends it to the president of the executive committee of higher level and it is sanctioned by Second Vice President too, then the First Vice President will evaluate its probable utility available through that organization for the Alliance in terms of manpower and money power. On the satisfaction, if First Vice President recommends the higher First Vice President to affiliate the applicant organization with the Alliance; then the affiliation certificate will be issued by the First Vice President of the higher level.
20.1.4. Any affiliated organization will have right to file anticipatory objection/caveat against the affiliation of one’s rival organization, with a condition that it will have to prove, what losses will have to face by the Alliance through its rival and it is capable to make up and compensate the expected contribution from the rival to the Alliance.
20.1.5. Methods regarding affiliation of voluntary organizations, trusts, firms, companies and political parties with the executive committee of any level of the Alliance will be formulated by the executive committees of various levels of the Alliance from time to time. these methods will be finally approved only after getting sanction of the General Assembly of higher level along with amendments, if any.
20.1.6. Separate methods regarding affiliation and association will also be formulated by the same process mentioned above in 20.1.3.
20.1.7. Application for diminishing or enhancing the jurisdiction and territory of the affiliated or associated organization can be submitted in the office of the president of that level where the applicant organization is associated or affiliated. the proceeding of accepting such applications will be the same which is fixed for the affiliation and association of organizations.
21.1. Every vertical executive committees will have right to authorize any organization, trust, firm, company or political the Alliance to perform any one or more works of the Alliance on the basis of adequate conditions and contracts. But such right will not lie with the units lower than district level of the Alliance.
21.2. A point wise and written agreement in clear language will be made with the organization to be authorized by any executive committee. Whether to register that agreement with the government will depend upon the parties making agreement.
21.3. the higher executive committees of the Alliance will keep distance fully from the disputes, charges and counter charges created among the parties making such agreement.
21.4. Application about the expansion of jurisdiction of the authorized organization will be produced before the higher executive committee for study. the process to sanction of this application will be the same, which is already determined as the process of authorization for any organization of the Alliance.
22.1. For mutual cooperation, adjustment of seats in elections, common demonstration for common issues, common education, training and survey programs and for uniting and consolidating the political strength of the unorganized masses tortured by common problems but divided among various castes, communities, religions, languages, Political parties and para political the Alliances; the Alliance will cooperate with initiative to form the common forum, para-political fronts and the Alliances along with some para-political the Alliances whom objectives are partially or fully similar to the objectives of the Alliance.
22.2. Looking the contemporary trend of the rule of the Alliances in place of rule of political parties and looking the need of democratic structure, democratic output, transparency and accountability of ruling the Alliances; the Alliance will form common front or Confederation of the Alliances/the second the Alliance with the other para-political the Alliances, only if the concerned parties will be agreed with the following policies jointly:-
22.2.1. there will be a written constitution of the Second Alliance;
22.2.2. there will be a written agreement/declaration on affidavit to form Second Alliance.
22.2.3. the the Alliances interested to align, will write the name of Second the Alliance with ones name as school, colleges write the name of university and their Board along with their name.
22.2.4. the executive committees of the Second the Alliance will be constituted on that every level wherever any type of election related to legislative body will be present.
22.2.5. the main Executive Committee of the Alliances interested to align, will involve the vertical units of their own parties by democratic procedure in composition of the vertical units of the Second the Alliance.
22.2.6. the upper most units of the Second the Alliance will be elected by the lower most units of the Alliances interested to align.
22.2.7. Selection of the candidates for the elections of legislature/executive of union of India will be the jurisdiction of collectively formed committee of Second Alliance. This rule will not be applicable in the matters of elections of legislature of the states.
22.3. the value of the vote of office bearer entailed to vote in the elections of executive heads of vertical units of the Second the Alliance will be decided in proportion of Active Member of the concerned area of the related the Alliance.
22.4. the member the Alliances may authorize the Second the Alliance to conduct survey among the Preliminary Member organizations of the aligned the Alliances of Second the Alliance and may authorize to enroll the applicants as Preliminary Member of the member the Alliances.
22.5. Judicial committees will be constituted as for as possible at each and every level of organization of Second the Alliance to check the conflicts, apprehensions, objections, injustices occurring among the aligned the Alliances of the Alliance and their office bearers.
22.6. Global Agreement on Peace and Participation, GAPP will form Second the Alliance with only those the Alliances, which will make above said provisions one to five as the part of their constitution.
To fulfill the foreign needs of domestic citizens and to gather collective force and action for achieving the Alliance’s objectives, the Alliance may get authorized to work as a member of said the Alliance. Adopting the membership of the Alliance of political parties of any level the Alliance will work within the Indian Territory as a the Alliance authorized, affiliated, associated or recognized by the said the Alliance. the Alliance may align with other political parties on the conditions given in the article-22 of this constitution. the Central Executive Committee will have right to take any type of decision in this regard.


the mentor of the Alliance or likewise thinkers or respected persons or spiritual Gurus or spiritual leaders whom cooperation is needed to the mind of Central executive Committee to achieve the objectives of the Alliance, may be recognized as the Policy Director of the Alliance. the Policy Director will be the Zero Member of the Alliance registered and recognized by the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance. He will be elected by the registered and recognized Zero Member for the General Assembly of the Zero Member. Any elected member of the Zero Assembly may be elected unanimously by the member of the Central Executive Committee as the Police Director of the Alliance. He may be removed from the post by two third majority of member organizations of the Central Executive Committee.
24.1.1. Policy Director will have right to supervise and watch every activity of the each and every member of the Central executive committee. If the committee seems to divert from ones declared principles, objectives and deviate from means declared to achieve those objectives and if the Policy Director feels so, the Policy Director will have right to call explanation from the president of the Central Executive Committee. the president will submit his written explanation within a month and if necessary, the President will meet him personally to interpret the written explanation.
24.1.2. If Policy Director is not satisfied with the reply of the president, the Policy Director will issue some point wise instructions, which according to him will be essential to drive the executive committee in right direction. If the Director does not see any improvement in the activities of the executive committee till one year, the Policy Director will have right to publicize the explanation demanded by the Policy Director, written answers that explanation and instructions given by the President. He will openly criticize the executive committee, build public pressure to save it from debasement or will appeal to the people to withdrew cooperation from the then executive committee of the Alliance, if the Member Organization does not feel any improvement up till one years, at the first he will issue the warning letter to the president to resign from the post. This warning will be obligatory and within six months the president of the Central Executive committee of the Alliance will have to resign, or the Policy Director will himself/herself resign from its post. the vacant post will be filled as per the rules of the Alliance Constitution.
24.2.1. the Policy Director will work in para-political manner; the Policy Director will not become the member of any political the Alliance, and will not run any political the Alliance under his leadership. As soon as he does so, he will cease to remain the Policy Director of the executive committee.
24.2.2. the Policy Director has right to criticize publically only to the then executive committee recognizing the Policy Director, not to the whole the Alliance. If Policy Director does so its reorganization will be automatically ended.
24.2.3. No Policy Director will issue any such instruction, which would be against any provision of the Alliance constitution, or will curtail it. Such instruction will be null and void till the extent where it goes beyond any provision of the Alliance constitution or it goes against the basic structure of the Alliance.


25.1. Alliance assumes that due to natural and cultural reasons there are an upper class of society which is stronger economically, socially, intellectually, physically but weaker in gentility than others. Due to various unjust customs and values, unjust provisions of the constitution of the India and various unjust laws majority is oppressed socially and economically exploited by the above said so called upper class of the society. the above said upper/weaker class has shifted the economic burden of privileges availed by them on the economically, socially, intellectually, physically weaker sections and same class has shifted the same burden on gently stronger section of society. Consequently majority is facing dearth of resources to develop their inherent physical, mental, social and spiritual caliber generations to generations. This phenomenon is impacting badly on production of goods and services since long. Due to this mismanagement of society, a non ending genocide of talent is observed and balance between population and production is disturbed. To stop such genocide of talents and to empower stronger gentility, to provide freedom from economic slavery to majority from various laws and various provisions of Indian constitution the Alliance will formulate time to time some special provisions to be adopted as policy and programs. Such special provisions will be listed in Schedule-7 of the Alliance constitution.
25.2. the Recruitment Council of the Alliance will frame time to time the useful methods in order to include representation of the various classes of society classified on various vertical and horizontal levels on the basis of nature and culture.
25.3. Vertical executive committees of the Alliance will propose the proposal of inclusive policy regarding recruitment in the Alliance on their level. After getting the sanction from the higher executive committee the Recruitment Council of the respective level will execute the proposed methods by getting it approved by the General Assembly of the respective level.
25.4. Rules, regulations, bye laws and provisions adopted under the inclusive policy of the Alliance will be laid in schedule-7 of this constitution.
the related executive committees of the Alliance will have right to take lawful disciplinary action in order to ensure abidance of the Alliance constitution by the Alliance Member Organizations, office bearers, officers and staff and to prevent their anti-the Alliance acts. “the quorum should be minimum 1/3rd member organizations of the committee/representative Body/Unit for the valid meetings of various horizontal and vertical committees and all representative bodies and units of the Alliance. Violation of this rule will be the subject of disciplinary action.”
26.1.1. Any act done with the objective of devaluation or disobedience of any office bearer, or executive committee, or cell or any organ of the Alliance.
26.1.2. Any act, deliberately done against any established theory, policy, decision or program of the Alliance.
26.1.3. Any acts regarding collecting money for ones selfish interest in the name of economic empowerment of the Alliance through the Alliance membership, fund collection etc, and not depositing the said amount as per rules in the Alliance.
26.1.4. Not co-operating in the policies, decision and programs of the Alliance regarding vertical separation of power and innovative definition of nation-state, democracy, sovereignty, voter and voting right.
26.1.5. To behave on the public places in such way which is viewed as evil and condemnable by the residents of that area?
26.1.6. Any deed done by mind, work, or words with the intention to weaken the candidate authorized in any election according to the rules of the Alliance.
26.1.7. Any act regarding violation of code of conduct on the stage of any program sponsored by the Alliance.
26.1.8. Act to defame the Alliance and to work to spoil the strength of the Alliance in the name of seeking justice, being angry with any office bearer of the Alliance, committee or executive committee or any such unit of the Alliance.
26.1.9. Any derogative act in the name of demanding justice before any institution or forum outside the Alliance.
26.2.1. Any member of the Alliance or its office bearer can submit the petition before the competent vertical judicial authority of the Alliance regarding taking disciplinary action on the basis of harm inflicted to oneself or to the Alliance or both, along with the fixed fees, against any member or office bearer, or committee or executive committees.
26.2.2. the related judicial authority will ask the accused within a week after receiving the petition, by post or by hand on his/ her address to submit its written answer within a month.
26.2.3. After getting the answer, the authority will ask the petitioner to submit ones written response within a week.
26.2.4. After receiving the response of the petitioner the authority will prepare its verdict in written and send it to both the parties. One copy of this verdict will be send to the higher judicial authority for record. In any case there will not be a distance of more than six months between the date of the decision and the date of registration of the petition.
26.2.5. the authority will mention the calculated expenditure occurred in this judicial process in its verdict. To manage the expenditure on the process of settlement of disputes the judicial council of the respective level will prepare methods from time to time.
26.3.1. Any member, office bearer, committee or any organ of the Alliance punished by judicial proceeding of the Alliance can file petition for appeal to the vertical higher judicial authority against the order of the subordinate judicial authority given punishment. This appeal will be called the first appeal. In the first appeal the dispute will be settled within three months as for as possible .Only higher judicial authority will have right to give more time than three months in any special case on the basis of sufficient reason.
26.3.2. the petitioner dissatisfied with the verdict of the first appeal can submit its petition before the authority higher than the first appellate judicial authority.
26.3.3. No right for the third appeal with lie with any petitioner.
26.3.4. the appeal against any verdict of the judicial authority of central level can only be made in the court of the people only through writing books, forming organization, by speech, or by any other propaganda medium. Reaction of the common people, and the force created by it and its works will be regarded as the order of the appellate judicial council.
26.4.1. Every complainant and defendant will have right to seek help from professional advocate for legal consistence. Such advocates will help to prepare petition or to prepare counter of rejoinder on charge or without charging fees. Such advocate can also present himself before any experts of legal practice to interpret his petition or its response, by the permission of said experts of legal practice.
26.4.2. Any petitioner will have right to present himself before the experts of legal practice during the first and second appeal, but petitioner will have no right to appear with council in the matter of appeals.
26.5.1. there will be many schedules of charges. Every schedule will have its own penal code.
26.5.2. Under the charges of the first schedule the accused will be suspended for six months from its position in the Alliance.
26.5.3. Under the charges of the second schedule, the accused will be suspended for two years with fine of Rs.1000/- to Rs.10000/-.
26.5.4. Under the charges of the third schedule, the accused will be suspended for five years with fine of Rs.1,00,000/- to Rs.10,00,000/-
26.5.5. When the charge under the fourth schedule will be proved, the accused will be dismissed for ever from the Alliance.
26.5.6. After proving the charges under fifth schedule the accused will be got arrested under the government law of the concerned province along will termination form the Alliance.
26.5.7. the General Assembly of Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs will have the right to classify the allegations for various schedules.
26.5.8. the full amount of fine will be deposited in the Alliance fund.

26.6.1. Any judicial authority may entertain the petition of the petitioner working under ones parallel or subordinate authority.
26.6.2. the right to entertain any petition against any person who is the member of General Assembly of any vertical level of the Alliance will be possible only by the permission of the executive committee of the concerned level.


26.7.1. Judicial authority of any level will have the right that if deemed necessary, it would forth with inflict interim punishment as soon as the petition is received, on the accused.
26.7.2. Such interim order can be quashed by the higher executive committee till the final verdict comes.


27.1. the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance will have the right to amend the constitution as per rules, to withhold some provision or add some new provisions to it, in order to secure the internal democracy within and to evolve the polity and economy based on objective of ensuring the democratic output of the Alliance.
27.2. the General Assembly of concerned level will have right to amendment in the constitution of the executive committee of concerned level by its two third majorities; provided, such amendment will be null and void till the extent, where it affect the basic structure of the Alliance constitution. Supervision on such amendments will be made collectively by the First Vice President of the concerned level and the counterpart chief of judicial council.
27.3. Amendment in the constitution of the Central Executive Committee will be done by the central General Assembly. All the amendments done by the Central Legislative assembly will be regarded in consonance with structure of the constitution.
27.4. Executive committee of any level will have right to make amendment according to the immediate requirement through ordinance. Such amendment can be enforced till the next meeting of the General Assembly of the concerned level is not hold. the amendment proposal will be effective for the only if ratified by the general assembly of the Central unit.
27.5. Any constitutional amendment or any provision of the bylaws of various organs of the Alliance can be challenged for constitutional legitimacy, provided, such petition regarding the challenge, is countersigned by the First Vice President of the executive committee of any regional or country level. Such petition will be firstly considered by the chief of judicial council of respective level. Appeal can be made on the verdict of the Preliminary judicial council to the two conjugative higher courts.
27.6. Whenever there will be requirement to interpret the provision and rules of the constitution, such cases will be raised in form of a petition as per the method above mentioned in Para 5, in the same manner as if the constitutional legitimacy of the concerned provision or rule were challenged.

On the advice of all five Governing level Executive Committees, the President, First and Second Vice President of the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance, with the approval of General Assembly of the Central level may merge the Alliance into any other the Alliance/organization. Similar proceeding will be adopted to allocate the assets of the Alliance as per the rules made for the distribution of assets of the Alliance. they can submerge other parties, through the authorized person or through any executive committee of the Alliance on proper level, if such the Alliance so decides.


the constitution will be translated into maximum languages as for as possible. the draft of the translation will be approved by the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance. Central Executive Committee will do this work on the basis of the report of the central unit of judicial council of the Alliance.


Schedules of the constitution
30.1. Technical terminology.
30.2. Working List of the Various Vertical Units of the Alliance.
30.3. Membership fees.
30.4. List of cells of the Alliance.
30.5. List of Fronts of the Alliance.
30.6. List of operations of the Alliance.
30.7. Provisions regarding inclusive policy of the Alliance.
30.8. List of amendments made in the constitution of the Alliance.
30.9. Alliance Registers

31.1. Form—1. Application form for Preliminary Membership
31.2. Form—2. Application form for Active Membership
31.3. Form—3. Application form for Voter Councillorship
31.4. Form—4. Application form for Zero Membership
31.5. Form—5. Application form for Interim Office Bearers
31.6. Form—6. Application form for Office Bearers
31.7. Form—7. Application form for the Affiliation of Organization with the Alliance

Alliance office will keep some registers with its own office and will authorize to its various vertical committees to keep the registers for keeping the record s properly. the details regarding the register will be added time to time in this article of the constitution of the Alliance.
New articles, sections, subsections added in the constitution by amending the constitution of the Alliance will be listed in the Shedule-9 of the Alliance constitution.


  1. Active Member – Those Preliminary Member organizations of the Alliance who are defined as Active Member of the Alliance by enrolling 5 Preliminary Member Organizations.
  2. Alliance of the Alliance- Means, the common front/forum or platform of political parties, by which the Alliance evolve the collective Para-political force for some common objectives.
  3. Capitalism- Means, a representative ideology in which the person or the group of persons and their offshoots are regarded as the most competent character to own, use and operate the means of production- like land, machine, savings, purchasing power, labor force etc and also operate the state machinery and right to get respect and privileges, who become successful in accumulating money through whatever means. Economic Capitalists are those persons who regard the parallel relation of the state with various generations of the citizens in politics and regard series relation of the state with various generations of the citizens in economy. there are two types of capitalist people- the Macro Capitalists and the Micro Capitalist.
  4. Character Builder- A person who feels that whole society and polity may be improved by character reformation of individuals/social activists.
  5. Communism– Means, a representative thought in which the all the citizens irrespective of economic status are collectively regarded as the most competent character to own, use and operate the means of production- like land, machine, savings, purchasing power, labor force etc. A person loving such representative thought is called Communist. there are two types of Communists- the Macro Communists and the Micro Communists. Economic communist is that person who believe the paralleled relation in place of series relation of citizen with state generation to generation. Means neither such person favour to transfer political posts generation to generation, nor support transfer of money generation to generation inheritance. Contrary to this, the economic capitalist favour the transfer of political posts. Because such person believe that the political posts are creation of society, but not money.
  6. Vertical (Samvartee)- Means, a justice loving mentality who imbibes with the spirit of doing justice by impartial spirit among various vertical organs/units/bodies of particular organization or doing justice among various communities and representative thoughts classified vertically.
  7. Constituency of Indian Unit for the Hemi-national Level Affairs – Means, the constituency of the General assembly/the area of three neighboring Lok Sabha parliamentary constituencies of India. This is also called constituency of Parivar Sabha or parliament of families?
  8. Council of voter councilors- Common Forum of voter councilors/one who enrolled 4 Active Member organizations for the Alliance operated recognized by the Alliance.
  9. Country (union of provinces)-Means, the nation states recognized by United Nations Organization, like Indian Union.
  10. Creamy layer- Alliance will have inclusive policy according to this policy, provisions of special protection and reservation will be made in the Alliance constitution for some classes of society. People and families will be marked, who have got affluence or already been benefited through this provision. This border line of affluence thus marked will be called the creamy layer.
  11. Cultural Communist- Means a person of equality loving mentality, who realize that all the human being should be similar in cultural values irrespective of various communities linked with various sects, languages, traditions, ideals, topography, and irrespective of various nationalities.
  12. Cultural leftists– Means, a person of the future loving mentality who wants to construct the new cultural values, new laws of social governance, new civilization, new morality and new code of conduct to be adopted by contemporary generations of one’s community; is called Cultural Leftist.
  13. Cultural Rightists- Means, a person of the past loving mentality who wants to restore the cultural values, laws of social governance, civilization, morality and code of conduct adopted by the past generations of one’s community is called Cultural rightist.
  14. Developmental Member– Member of the General Assembly recruited in the Alliance on the basis of competitive merit of giving maximum economic contribution to the Alliance.
  15. Economic Communists– Means a person of equality loving mentality, who realize that all the human being, should be equal in economic status irrespective of various levels of intelligence and irrespective of various pedigree and kinship. Economic Communists are those persons who regard the parallel relation of the state with various generations of the citizens in politics and in economy both.
  16. Economic Freedom Movement– Means, a mass organization operated by GOD to recognize economic rights to the voters through votership.
  17. Economic leftist– Means, a person of the future loving mentality who wants to evolve the economy related new values, new laws of social governance, new civilization to be adopted by the contemporary generations of one’s community; is called Economic Leftist. Economic Leftists aspires for such economy in which the means of production should be complex and specialized and production should be maximized and consumption thereof should be available to all.
  18. Economic Rightists– Means, a person of the past loving mentality who wants to restore the economy related values, laws of social governance, civilization adopted by the past generations of one’s community is called Economic Rightist. Economic Rightists aspires for such economy in which the means of production were simple and consumption was limited.
  19. Equiscient (Samdarshee) – Means, a justice loving mentality who imbibes with the spirit of doing justice among various horizontal organs/units/bodies of particular organization or doing justice among various communities and representative thoughts classified and regarded horizontally.
  20. Federation for Economic Freedom– Means, the common forum of those non-political institutions, organizations, trusts, movements and campaigns which are working with the objective of giving economic freedom to the voters, through votership.
  21. Fundamental Member- Means, Preliminary Member organizations of the Alliance and ex-officio Zero member organizations of the Alliance; the Alliance affiliated with.
  22. Gehenic Basis– Means, behavior, observations, feelings and thoughts of human being occurred due to some of the genes of concerned person. Alliance assumes that there are Gehenic basis of some political representative thoughts which is the mind conscious part/output of genes.
  23. Global Agreement on Peace and Progress (GAPP) – Means a name of international treaty containing the resolution of amendments in the charter of United Nations Organizations recognized by the Alliance.
  24. Global Association of Political Parties (GAPP) – Means that proposed name of the Alliance, by which the executive committee of the Indian Unit for the National Level Affairs of the Alliance would like to be affiliated with.
  25. Global Citizens Fund– the proposed name of collective forum of mission friend organizations of the Alliance, which will obtain contribution and conditional loan from public, issue receipt certificates/RDR notes against above said the received contributions, which will keep records of above said certificates and which will keep account of the expenditure occurred on- the activities connected to parliamentary approval of votership related laws; rule of law at global level, common citizenship and currency of the world level and other objectives of the Alliance related to reforms in polity and politics.
  26. Global Organization for Democracy (GOD) – the proposed name of collective forum of political parties; non-political, Para- political and super-national institutions, organizations, firms and companies; by which the Alliance may create common political and economic force to achieve long term objectivities of the Alliance.
  27. Hindu- Means the person bearing specific belief; present in many of the sects, religious communities of the world all over, who regard the ancient books regarding social value and law, named as Smriti Granthas and Sootra Granthas and who regard the ancient axiom books named as Vedas, Upanishads etc.
  28. Horizontal Coordinating Councils– Means, the horizontal management councils situated between two horizontal organs/bodies of the Alliance organization to resolve the horizontal conflicts of two bodies.
  29. Inclusive Policy– Means, the policy of the Alliance to ensure representation of various classes of society classified horizontally and vertically and divided on the basis of social, economic, political, cultural and consciousness levels and on the basis of cultural identities and gehnic basis.
  30. Indian Unit for the Homeland Level Affairs – Means, a level of a unit of the Alliance to work for fulfilling those needs of the domestic citizens of India for which the collective efforts of citizens and government of the neighboring countries of India is needed.
  31. Indian Unit for the Hemi-national Level Affairs – Means, a level of a unit of the Alliance to work for fulfilling those needs of the domestic citizens of India for which the collective efforts of citizens and of all the governments of the countries of eastern or western world is needed.
  32. Indian Unit for the National Level Affairs – Means, a level of a unit of the Alliance to work for fulfilling those needs of the domestic citizens of India for which the collective efforts of citizens and of all the governments of the countries of world is needed.
  33. Leftist-Means, a person of the future loving mentality which feels that society is going from less pleasant age to better pleasant age from dark age to light age, from under developed to developed. there are two typists of leftist people-the Cultural Leftists and the Economic Leftists.
  34. Legislator Member– Member of the General Assembly recruited in the Alliance on the basis of competitive merit enrolling maximum member organizations to the Alliance.
  35. Macro Capitalists- Means, a person of the infra-structure loving mentality who is a supporter of investing the accumulated money in scientific discovery, road construction, electricity, railway, canal for affluent people, etc.
  36. Member– Means Preliminary and Active Member organizations of the Alliance, Fundamental Member of the Alliance of the Alliance, Missionary Member Organizations; defined by the Alliance constitution.
  37. Micro Capitalist- Means, a person of the production loving mentality; who is a supporter of investing the accumulated money in production of consumer goods for public in place of infra structure.
  38. Missionary Member- Means, Preliminary or equivalent member organizations of the Mission Friend Organizations of the Alliance; like – member organizations of the non-political organizations, trusts and political parties etc.
  39. Nation– Means the political area of whole world, by which a section of human society of all the countries of the whole world has been feeling nationhood, affection, fraternity and realization of Global Family hood/Vasudhaiv Kutumba. the Hindi of Nation is “Rashtra”.
  40. National Foundation for Education and Research (NAFER)- Name of that authorized institute which is authorized by the Alliance for education and training for the recruitment of various technical posts of the Alliance, to formulate syllabus, conduct examination and give certificates of qualification.
  41. Para-political– Means level of understanding where commonness among various political parties could be observed and consequently impartial relations could be establish and impartial behavior could be made among those parties and among their office bearers. A Para-political person may generate the collective force of various political parties and of their office bearers.
  42. Preliminary Member- Means, Preliminary Member defined as per the constitution of the Alliance.
  43. Province- i.e. State– the provincial territories recognized by the constitution of any country.
  44. Representative Thoughts- Means; various opinions, view points and perspectives of individual obtained by birth or acquired through society; related to polity and economic system; related to any socially recognized thinker, related to group of individuals.
  45. Region- the part of area of a province or area of more than one province or more than one country as demarcated by the Central Executive committee to make the functions of the central committee convenient.
  46. Rightist- Means, a person of the past loving mentality which feels that society is going to more troublesome state from the less troublesome one, going to dark from light, going to under developed state from developed. there are two typists of rightist people-the Cultural Rightists and the Economic Rightists.
  47. Super National- Means, a level of understanding where commonness among various countries could be observed and consequently impartial relations could be establish and impartial behavior could be made among those countries. A Super-national person may generate the collective force of various countries and of political parties, organizations and citizens of those countries.
  48. Vertical Coordinating Councils- Means, the vertical management councils situated amidst two vertical levels of the Alliance organization to resolve the vertical conflicts of two vertical bodies.
  49. Vertical Separation of Power- Means a mechanism to repair and correct the theory of separation of state power by injecting the information of the science of engineering known as components of power. In the contemporary world only horizontal component of power is adopted in the separation of power, vertical component of power is unfortunately missed. Hence By correcting the traditional concept of separation of state power, establishing five tire government system from provincial to global level instead of contemporary two tire system from provinces to nation state or country level. Adding three new vertical floors in the order of the polity at the level of quarter world, half world and also at whole world level and distributing the powers/working list among newly added three vertical governments by separating the state power vertically.
  50. Village Parliamentary Constituency- – Means, the constituency of the General assembly of unit of the Alliance related to the Indian Unit for the homeland Level Affairs. This will be the area of two neighboring Lok Sabha parliamentary constituencies of India, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance. This is also called Parliamentary Constituency of Villages or parliament of Villages?
  51. Voter- Adult citizen, whom names are enrolled in the Voters List made by the Election Commission of India. Those who votes to constitute the legislature of the state.
  52. Voter Councilors- A person, who has enrolled 4 Active Member organizations of the Alliance, technically trained, who counsels and help the voters to obtain and protect their birth economic share i.e. votership.
  53. Voters Parliamentary Constituency– Means, the constituency of the General assembly of unit of the Alliance related to the Indian Unit for the National Level Affairs. This will be the area of four neighboring Lok Sabha parliamentary constituencies of India, as demarcated by the Central Executive Committee of the Alliance. This is also called constituency of Voters or Human Parliamentary Constituency or constituency of the parliament of Voters?
  54. Votership- the cash amount received regularly by the voters sent from the government as their share in the gross domestic rent of collective property of the voters’.
  55. Zero Member Organizations- Means, those member of the Alliance; defined as per the constitution of the Alliance; who are indifferent to the some provisions of the Alliance constitution, or irregularly co-operate with the Alliance, at their convenience or are literal opponents of the Alliance but their names are written in the Zero Membership Register of the Alliance.
  56. Hemi-nation- Means the area of Eastern or of western world. the English of Prarashtra.
  57. Prarashtra – Means the area of Eastern or of western world. the Hindi of Hemi-nation.
  58. Hemispheric- Means Eastern or western world. Also called Hemi-national.
  59. Rashtra- Means Eastern and western world; collectively. Or the area of whole world. the Hindi of “Nation”. the joint area of Eastern and Western World.
  60. Watan- Means a block or group of the collective area of the neighbor countries. the Homeland in English. the component of the hemi-nations.
  61. Dwaitadwait (mono-dualisic) principle of sovereignty- Means Concept of sovereignty as propounded by contemporary political philosopher MR. Vishvatma of India.
  62. Political and social financing- Means economy of Politics.




Central Executive Committee of the Global Agreement on Peace and Participation, GAPP will work to constitute the five vertical executive committees of the Alliance, and will work-

  1. To Coordinate amongst;
  2. To amend, substitute, add or repeal the working list;
  3. To determine the rights, duties and ideals;
  4. To do mutual transfer of office bearers;
  5. To consider over the application to constitute the vertical committees, to accept it, amend it or reject it’;
  6. To issue directions to keep aloof from any election or to participate in the election of any constituency of any province, or of all provinces of any level.


  1. Democratization of political power and its protection.
  2. Elimination of poverty through means of employment given by government or by production companies .
  3. Protection of Dharmik Government.
  4. Forming laws related to indirect taxes and enforce them.
  5. Forming laws regarding gold based monitory policies and enforcing them.
  6. To promote researches on the progress of technology for more production.
  7. To protect and nourish the economic interests of the producers, especially of formers.
  8. To protect and nourish the economic interests of the purchaser.
  9. To make law related of the decentralization of political power and implementation thereof.
  10. To save economic resources for the future generation.
  11. To do social management through character building.
  12. Empowerment of the market.
  13. Empowerment of the preachers of traditional life values of provincial community including such saints and teachers.
  14. To check the population growth rate.
  15. theto power to the provincial governments for protection of provincial culture.


  1. To fulfill the economic needs of the block management committees of the country.
  2. To work for erecting institutional structure for vertical separation of state power.
  3. To make every voter participant in the total accumulated domestic tax collected by the state through the medium of votership.
  4. To satisfy the private financial needs of the member of the village management committees of the country for enhancing their efficiency.
  5. To pass the financial bill from the country legislature regarding repayment of refundable donations on higher interest rates than the central bank of the country, taken from banks, institutions and organizations authorized by the party for receiving above said donations with the objective of meeting the expenses occurred on public awakening campaigns for polarization of mass opinion on the issue of right of votership and election campaigns.
  6. To make a provision in the proposed law related to votership to provide regular service fees minimum 5% of the votership amount to the Voter Councilors, certified by the organizations, political parties, firms, trusts and companies and recognized by the Alliance.
  7. To work for making legal provision of political and social financing in proportion of obtained votes to those election candidates who succeeded to obtain minimum number of votes in the election of Lok Sabha.
  8. To increase Grass Domestic Production by enhancing the mental efficiency and self confidence of the voters through the provision of providing right of reservation of sitting seats to travel by railway.
  9. Forwarding the social issues discussed during the international treaty named as the General Agreement on Tariffs and trade, GATT. Making efforts for new treaty to curb the international problems emerged and aggravated by GATT treaty. Making efforts to enact new international treaties and laws for free movement of labor, global citizens, super national saints, global statesmen, by liberalizing the polity and international political order.
  10. Making legal provision to travel by air for free of cost at least once in life time for minimum 200 km on lottery basis for the poor voters who desire so. So that national affection may be inculcated among each and every voter.
  11. Working for making legal provision to reshape the state structure according to the Dwaitadwait ( mono-dualisic) principle of sovereignty.


  1. Developing India as such a strong country of the world so that all the citizens of all the countries of the world and all the backward countries would begin to the regard India as their global guardian.
  2. Making new laws to implement the provisions of section 38, 39 and 51 of the Indian constitution.
  3. To implement the policy to provide the employment to brain, instead of hands of citizens through the mechanism of votership.
  4. Making legal provision of high taxation and ceiling on right of inheritance to restrain the offshoots of billionaires becoming billionaire freely, without condition of work and of test; and making legal provision of line of richness, like poverty line. So that no person should become so powerful to make the Alliance president ones slave by the enormous strength of political financing.
  5. Making legal provision to adopt new direct tax system for optimum production of country’s wealth and reducing black money in order to reduce economic disparity and pay back foreign debt.
  6. To give inclusive reservation to Scheduled Castes and Tribes and to OBC.
  7. Making legal provision to adopt conditions of creamy layer in the reservation system of every type by amending the provisions regarding reservations enforced in government services and educational institutions.
  8. To enforce that same percentage of reservation to SC/ST and to OBC in private sector. This is already given in the government sector especially in the services and educational institutions.
  9. For the purpose of giving representation to poor and middle economic class in the legislature, government and in judiciary, making legal provision of reservation to these communities in proportion to their respective population.
  10. To repeal the law related to right of presidents of the political parties of issuing whip, so that the Alliance president should be saved from becoming puppets of the billionaires and could be enabled to work for voters’ interest instead of interest of billionaires and donation providers.
  11. For the purpose of developing the quality of specialization in the political parties as the medical sphere; amending the registration law of political parties and of companies to confine the political parties and companies only on one floor and territory of the state structure.
  12. For the purpose of terminating the right of political parties to divide the society, making legal provision of granting the right of multy-the Alliance membership to the voters.
  13. To establish the common government and administration of the south Asian region-
  14. Working to develop the nine countries of south Asia, as a Watan (sub continental federation) and to recognize and empower already existing nationality of this region in order to save the country from the ill effects of foreign countries; and to fulfill the super-national needs of citizens of the country;
  15. To constitute the common interim election commission, common interim parliament, common interim government, common interim court, common interim currency issuing bank and get these institutions recognized by the governments of the concerned South Asian countries;
  16. To evolve the draft of the GAPP treaty for eliminating poverty, accelerating progress and ensuring peace and get it sanctioned by the government of countries of the world.
  17. To reduce the present threat hovering on the army of the country by giving the voters the right of representing the citizens of other countries too and the right to do business in other countries too.
  18. Working to provide right to vote to the self- declared global voters for electing the ruler of the whole.
  19. Working to provide status of United Nation Government (UNG) to the United Nation Organization (UNO) by ratification of proposed GAPP treaty.
  20. Working to giving direct voting right to the heads of the families living within territory of Hemispheric Government, to elect the parliamentarians of the government of Prarashtra.
  21. Working to giving direct voting right to the heads of the management committees of the villages and of wards present within the territory of Watan Government, to elect the parliamentarians of the government of Watan.
  22. For the purpose of decentralizing the political power working to give right to vote to the management committees of the blocks, along with the parliamentarians to elect directly the prime minister of the country.
  23. Working for sanction of GAPP treaty to adopt five tire government systems instead of the existing two tires.
  24. Working for sanction of GAPP treaty to recognize the conditional South Asian Citizenship and conditional World Citizenship.
  25. Working for sanction of GAPP treaty to recognize constitution of South Asian Parliament and World Parliament.
  26. Preventing India from caste and communal violence and wars from neighboring counties in coming decades looking the unfortunate growth of intolerance in various communities and ideologies of the country, which is growing due to conflicts and violence provoking propaganda due to misuse social and electronic media.


  1. To formulate policies and laws of exchange and implementing them.
  2. To coordinate and facilitate agreement between provincial and general assembly of Nation/Indian Unit for national Level Affairs.
  3. To formulate laws related to the citizenship of Homeland and laws related to termination of provision of Visa within the territories of neighboring countries of concerned Watan.



  1. To establish, protect, nourish and expand the economic justice, distributive justice and economic democracy.
  2. To protect universal values of provincial cultures and construct new values as per the requirement of contemporary politico-economic needs.
  3. To formulate laws related to the citizenship of Hemi-nation and laws related to termination of provision of Visa within the collective territories of countries of concerned Hemi-nation.


  1. To maintain the level gross production of the world and enhance it.
  2. To protect and expand the political democracy in the world.
  3. To construct social values according the natural laws and tendencies and protect such values which are adopted already by the various communities of the world.


  1. For the purpose of democratizing the economic power and nourishing it; give control and ownership of voters directly on all types of assets, state revenue and means of production.
  2. To eliminate poverty through enhancing the purchasing power of concerned people.
  3. To protect, nourish and expand the secular governance.
  4. To formulate laws related to direct taxes and implement them.
  5. To formulate monetary policy delinked with the gold standard and implement such laws.
  6. To penetrate technical competition.
  7. To protect the self-respect/identity and politico-economic rights of the voters and to nourish and expand them.
  8. To formulate laws related to political centralization and economic decentralization and implement them.
  9. To produce more and more resources for the present generation.
  10. To do social management through effective laws of management of world society.
  11. To empower the state machinery.
  12. To empower of the preachers, saints and teachers of futuristic cultural values.
  13. To make available the required resources of livelihood to the population at large irrespective of their social, economic, educational status.
  14. To make legal provision for reshaping and restructuring the structure of the state machinery as per the absolutist theory of sovereignty.
  15. To formulate laws and treaties related to recognition of global citizenship termination of visa and implementing such laws and treaties.
  16. To protect, nourish and expand human rights, especially economic human rights.


To formulate laws related to Vertical working list and resolve the disputes between two vertical executive committees and implement them through Coordinating Councils.




Calculating all the heads of expenses the Preliminary Membership fee on minimum donation amount will be as under:
Financial Year Amount of fee

  1. Year 2012-13 Rs.-20/-
  2. Year 2013-14 to 2014-15 Rs. 50/-
  3. Year 2015-16 to 2017-18 Rs. 150/-
  4. the central Executive Committee will have right to amend the amount of fee structure for Preliminary Member Organizations.


For financial year 2012-13 to 2017-18 Active Membership fee of the Alliance will be as under-
Level Fee Amount

  1. Nation/Indian Unit for national Affairs Level Rs. 25
  2. Hemi-nation/Indian Unit for Hemi-National Affairs Level Rs. 50
  3. Homeland/Homeland/Indian Unit for Homeland Affairs Level Rs. 75
  4. All India Level Rs. 100
  5. the central Executive Committee will have right to amend the amount of Active Membership fee.


the share in fund received as Preliminary Membership Fee and as donations to the Alliance will be distributed to various vertical units as per the rules given bellow:
3.3.1 the Regional Executive Committees of the Alliance will distribute the amount of funds received either from the Central Executive Committee or from the District Executive Committees or directly from the Preliminary or from the Active Member organizations amongst the accounts of:
(i) Self- 10% ; (Rs.15 @ Rs.150)
(ii) District Executive Committee- 10%; (Rs.15 @ Rs.150) (Only applicable on donation received against membership)

3.3.2 the Central Executive Committee will distribute the amount of funds received either from the Regional Executive Committees or directly from the Preliminary or from the Active Member organizations amongst the accounts of:
(i) Self- 20% ; (Rs.30@ Rs.150)
(ii) Regional Executive Committees- 20% ; (Rs.30@ Rs.150)
(iii) Respective Governing Level Executive Committee as declared by the respective Preliminary or Active Member- 60%; (Rs.90@ Rs.150)
3.3.3 the vertical governing level Executive Committees will deposit the amount of the funds received from the Central Executive Committee amongst the accounts of:
(i) self- 25% ; (Rs.22.50@ Rs.150)
(ii) respective Constituency Level Executive Committee- 75%; (Rs.67.50@ Rs.150)
3.3.4 the vertical Executive Committees of Constituency levels of the Alliance will deposit the amount received from the respective Governing level Executive Committee amongst the accounts of :
(i) self- 25% ; (Rs.16.87@ Rs.150)
(ii) respective Action Level Unit- 75%. (Rs.50.62@ Rs.150)
3.3.5 the Executive Committees of Action Levels of the Alliance will deposit the amount received from their respective Executive Committee of constituency level in the accounts of :
(i) self – 25%; (Rs.12.65@ Rs.150)
(ii) Active member to pay fee/fund collection cost-75%. (Rs.37.96@ Rs.150)

the central Executive Committee has right to approve the wings and respective cells of the Alliance as per need.


  1. As per the population and resources, the nation states of the entire world will be divided into two equal hemi-national areas, which will be called Eastern and Western Hemi-nations. The region of the eastern Hemi-nation will be divided into two regions, which will be called the North Eastern Homeland and South Eastern Homeland. Similarly, the Western Hemi-national region will also be divided into two regions, which will be called the North Western Homeland and South Western Homeland. One unit of alliance will be formed for each Hemi-nation and for four Homeland Units. These units of alliance will work to fulfill the global needs of the domestic citizens and of organizations of their respective countries.
  2. A Super-national unit of alliance will be formed in India, which will be called the Indian unit of South Asian Homeland Affairs. This unit will work to fulfill the global needs of citizens and organizations in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan and China. The unit will have its own executive committee, which will draft international treaties according to the requirements of citizens and organizations of these countries of this Homeland and work to obtain ratification from the governments of these countries.
  3. Similarly in India, five separate units and their executive committees will be formed to work on the matters of two Hemi-nations and 3 other units formed for 3 other homeland level Affairs.
  4. The alliance will have a unit of National affairs. The work of this unit will be to look at the matter of the entire surface area of the earth, the entire water area, the air area to a certain height, the earth area to a specified depth. This unit will also work to meet the needs of citizens around the world and all organizations around the world, which require the joint efforts of all citizens of the world and all organizations of the world.



the central Executive Committee will have right to approve the fronts of the Alliance as per need.






the central Executive Committee will have right to approve the operations of the Alliance as per need





  1. the Alliance shall work to provide reservation in the legislature to the section of society living in the BPL (bellow poverty line) and living between the slab of income tax and BPL in the ratio of their population.
  2. Benefit of reservation availed by the SC/ST/OBC class will be divided among the income tax payers, Above poverty line and BPL class as per their ratio in population of respective class.




(Under Article-n 33 of the Constitution of the Alliance)



the amendments done in the Alliance constitution will be listed under schedule-8. In order to keep the memory of the original text of the Alliance constitution and for investigation and research, while the provision will be amended or cancelled, it will be included in this schedule, but the related original provision will be kept intact in the regional text.





the central Executive Committee will have right to evolve the Performa of various applications, Certificates and data entry, etc. to facilitate the functioning of the Alliance as per need.





the Central Executive committee will prepare a list of the registers of the Alliance to keep the records.

GAPP गैप